13.7 Invasion Wavespeeds with Dispersive Variability 471
we think of the upper hemisphere as where the wavefront has to continually expand its
perimeter with the converse in the lower hemisphere.
The wavespeed given by (13.93) implies that, for surface waves on spheres, it is
probably not possible to have travelling wave solutions (13.89), with c > 0, for all
θ: it clearly depends on the parameters which would have to be delicately spatially
In line with good mathematical biology practice let us now go back to the real
biology. What we have shown is that a simplified model for the calcium-stimulated-
calcium-release mechanism gives travelling calcium wavefrontlike solutions over the
surface of the egg. Comparing the various times involved with the experiments, es-
timates for the relevant parameters can be determined. There is, however, a serious
qualitative difference between the front behaviour in the real egg and the model egg.
In the former the wave slows down in the vegetal hemisphere whereas in the model it
speeds up. One important prediction or conclusion we can draw from this (Cheer et al.
1987) is that the nonuniformity in the cortex properties are such that they overcome
the natural speeding up tendencies for propagating waves on the surface. If we look at
the wavespeed given by (13.93) it means that AD and the u
, i = 1, 2, 3mustvary
with θ . This formula for the speed will also hold if the parameters are slowly varying
over the surface of the sphere. So, it is analytically possible to determine qualitative be-
haviour in the model properties to effect the correct wave propagation properties on the
egg, and hence deduce possible parameter variations in the egg cortex properties. Fig-
ure 13.12(b) illustrates some numerical results given by Cheer et al. (1987) using the
above model with nonuniform parameter properties. The reader is referred to that paper
for a detailed discussion of the biology, the full model and the biological conclusions
drawn from the analysis. In Chapter 6, Volume II we introduce and discuss in detail the
new mechanochemical approach to biological pattern formation of which this section
and the papers by Cheer et al. (1987) and Lane et al. (1987) are examples.
13.7 Invasion Wavespeeds with Dispersive Variability
Colonisation of new territory by insects, seeds, animals, disease and so on is of major
ecological and epidemiological importance. At least some understanding of the pro-
cesses involved are necessary in designing, for example, biocontrol programmes. The
paper by Kot et al. (1996) is particularly relevant to this question; see other references
there. Although we restrict our discussion to continuous models, discrete growth and
dispersal models are also important. Models such as we have discussed in this chap-
ter have been widely used to obtain estimates of invasion speeds; see, for example,
the excellent book by Shigesada and Kawasaki (1997) which is particularly relevant
since it is primarily concerned with invasion questions. Among other things they also
consider heterogeneous environments, where, for example, the diffusion coefficient is
Simple scalar equation continuous models have certain limitations in the real world,
one of which is that every member of the population does not necessarily disperse the
same way: there is always some variability. In this section we discuss a seminal con-
tribution to this subject by Cook (Julian Cook, personal communication 1994) who