360 10. Dynamics of Infectious Diseases
For even more general applications of (10.65), such as to arbitrary nutritional con-
ditions or different strains of mice, further experiments are necessary to clarify: (i) the
detailed functional dependence of the maximum functional activity, α, on the nutritional
status of the hosts, (ii) the specific relationship of the sensitivity, β, to various strains
of mice and (iii) the size of the memory time, T . With these the system (10.75) can
be used to predict the time-evolution and the final steady state of the mean worm bur-
den dependence on the nutritional status and the genetic properties of the hosts being
Among the goals of any mathematical modelling in epidemiology are: (i) to pro-
vide a proper mechanistic description of the field situation and (ii) to provide a sound
basis for making practical predictions. Usually, however, a major difficulty is the prac-
tical estimation of the many parameters which are involved in the models. Controlled
laboratory experiments, which study particular aspects of the complete dynamics, while
keeping all other parts of the system under experimental control, have proved very use-
ful in this respect. The experiments described here have specifically highlighted the role
of the immune response. As a result we have been able to develop and exploit a sim-
ple but realistic mathematical model, which admits a full quantitative description of the
population dynamics in the presence of host immune response.
At this point a few cautionary remarks should be made. First, the model as it stands
does not, nor was it intended to, give a full picture of the underlying delicate biochem-
ical and biocellular processes. It does, however, provide a quantitative picture of the
macroscopic features of immune response: the per capita rate of limitation in parasite
survival can be related quantitatively to the antigenic stimulus (that is, the exposure to
infection). Second, the choice of the input function E for the immune system in (10.50)
and in particular (10.51) is, of course, not unique; it seems, however, a very plausible
one in view of the biological observations listed. In fact the qualitative features of the
experimental data are reproduced even with a linear function I (E) in place of the im-
mune activity function in (10.56). However, numerical simulations show that this latter
model assumption gives a more satisfactory, simultaneous fit of the four graphs corre-
sponding to the four different infection rates, (Figures 10.10(b) (a) to (d)), than a linear
version of (10.51). In summary then, the model is supported by the following facts:
(i) it is in keeping with the biological observations, (ii) it provides a quantitative fit for
the experimental data used to test it and (iii) the parameters introduced are biologically
meaningful and can be estimated.
The importance of an acquired immune response in human infection with several
species of helminth parasites has also been shown, for example, in the immunological
and epidemiological studies of Butterworth et al. (1985). They describe the immune
response of ‘resistant’ and ‘susceptible’ Kenyan school-children to infection with the
blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni. The role of human immunity in controlling other
worm infections is similarly well established. There is an urgent need for fieldwork
studies: basic mathematical models of the type described and used here can be of enor-
mous help in their design and interpretation. In addition, extension of the modelling
technique to the ‘real world’ can provide a cheap and effective way of testing the effi-
ciency of various parasite control programmes, without resort to lengthy and expensive
field trials. Further modelling on the lines described in this section have been carried
out by Berding et al. (1987) for further laboratory studies in which there is a genetically