earthhassince beenshown, by Dr Gunnand others, to havea negativechargeamountingto 400,00 coulombs. Yet, six feet
abovethe groundthe air is chargedwithmore than 200volts--- positivewithrespectto the ground.
It is known thatair conductselectricityawayfromchargedobjects. Thisbeingtrue, how doesthe earth, a chargedobjectand
exposedas it is to the surroundingatmosphere, maintainits charge? If the air conductselectricity, the earth's chargemustbe
constantlypassinginto the atmosphere. Andit hasbeencalculatedthat the earthhasa continuousdischargeinto the atmosphere
of 1800amperes. At this rate, the earthwouldlose90% of itschargeinto the air in one hour, yetthe earth's chargedoes not
diminish. Wheredoes the earth's sourceof energycomefrom?
The conversionof matterto energyin the starsis accepted, and, reasoningfromwhatoccursin radioactivedisintegrationduring
whichenergywaveare radiated, one mayconcludethat energywavesof veryhighfrequencyare sentoutfromthe stars (one of
whichis oursun). Now, of course, the conversionof energyinto mattermustequallybe accepted.
It hasbeenfoundthationization, whichcouldbethe mediumfor the flow of energy, increaseswithaltitudesinsteadof
decreasing. Sincethe sourceof energyis the universe, the generationof energyby rotaryactionandby allprimemoversis an
effectandnota cause. Oscillatoryenergyaction, be it in a Leydenjar or anotherman-madecapacitor, or in whatwe maycall
naturalcapacitors, behavesthe same. The oscillationswill continueuntiltheyhavereachtheircycleof heightand then there
will be a backrushreturningto wherethe oscillationsoriginated. Everyoscillation, whetherlargeor small, is completedduring
the same intervalof time. Theseoscillationsallprovethe same greatfact, that theyare governedbythe same cycleof time,
completedduringthe same intervalof time. Wavesof energyhavea regularbeatnote, comingandgoingas the wavesof the sea,
butin a verydefinitemathematicalorder--- comingto the earthfromeverydirectionwitha definiterhythm.
Energyhasa definiteelasticor resilientrigidityand density, whichis subjectto displacementandstrain. When strainis removed,
the mediumwill springback to itsoldpositionand beyond, surgingbackandforth, and will continueto oscillateuntilthe
originalpressureis used up. If the internalimpedanceis toogreat, therewill be no oscillations, butit will merelyslide backin a
deadbeatto its unrestrainedstate.
Bycuttingdownresistanceto a minimumandsynchronizingthe resilientionicactionsof the Moraydevicewiththe waveactions
of the universe, periodsof oscillationcan be madeto comequickerand quickeruntilinertiaassertsitself, thuslengtheningout
the time of finalrecovery. Thisis doneby carryingthe recoilbeyondthe naturaloscillationsandprolongingthe vibrationsby
capturingthe in oscillatoryaction. When the recoverybecomesdistinctlyoscillatory, a harmonicpatternis initiatedandthe
oscillationscontinue, resonancetherebybeingestablishedwiththe universe.
In the universewe seethe same lawsbeingobeyedas in ourlaboratories. As one tracesdownto the almostinfinitesimal
constituentsof the atom, one findsthat matterdoesnotexistat all as the realisticsubstancewhichwe have supposedit to be.
Thereat the veryfoundation, it consistsof nothingmore than energychargesemittedat variouswavelengthsor frequencies. It is
becomingmore and more certainthat the apparentcomplexityof natureis dueto ourlackof knowledge. And, as the picture
unfolds, it promisesa marveloussimplicity.
Oneof the mostmarvelousrelationshipsthat hasever been revealedin the entirescienceof physicsis that betweenlightand
electricityand the existenceof electronicsin atoms of matter. Knowingwhatwe doat the presenttime withregardto the
structureof atoms, thisrelationshipis notquiteso surprising. However, consideringthe total absenceof thisknowledgeabouta
half centuryago, the discoverythat light, and radiationin general, are vibratoryphenomenawas revolutionary.
Speakingof radiation, Radianthere meansproceedingfroma center in straightlinesin everydirection. Energyis internaland
inherent. "Energyis definedas a conditionof matterin virtueof whichany definiteportionmayaffectchangesin anyother
definiteportion". Thiswas writtenin 1892, and discoveriessince confirmit. Energythen is a stateof matter, or rather, the result
of a particularstate or conditionin whichmattermaybewhenanyobservedphaseof energyappears.
In additionto possessingkineticenergy, the atomis capableof absorbingenergyinternally. Thisinternalenergyis associated
withthe configurationof the particlesof whichthe atomis composed. Underordinaryconditionsanatomis in whatis known as
a stateof equilibriumin whichthereis neithera givingoff norabsorbingof energy. But, the internalenergyof the atomcan be
altered. When the internalenergyof the atomexceedsthat of itsnormalstateit is saidto beexcited. Excitationsmaybe caused
in severalways, e.g., the collisionof anatomwithrapidlymovingpositiveor negativeparticlesor the breakingof linesof force
in anelectromagneticgenerator. Kineticenergyis releasedwhenexcitationcausesa particleto giveup someor all of its kinetic
energyto the atomduringcollisions. Thisis takingplace in the universeall the time.
The electricmotor and generatorwouldneverhave beendiscoveredif a dielectric(insulation) had notbeen discovered. If one
discoversa dielectricvalvefor the energyof the universe, one hasthe answerto harnessingthe energyof the universe! A
limitingcase of excitationis ionization, whereinenergyis absorbedby the atomsufficientlyto allowa looselyboundelectronto
leavethe atom, againstthe electrostaticforceswhichtend to holdit withinthe atom. Anatomwhichhasgivenup one or more
electronsis saidto beionized. It is possiblethat ionization, i.e., excitation, maytakeplace in successivestepsthroughabsorption
of quantaenergy. The returnof anionizedatomto a stateof lowerenergyis associatedwithelectromagneticradiation. Also,
fromthe processof ionization, electricalenergymaybecomeassociatedwiththe vibrationalforcesof the universecominginto
the earthas cosmicradiation. The higherthe frequency, the greaterthe ionizationor excitation, a formof energywhichis kinetic
in nature. Thereare tremendousenergiescomingto the earthfromouter space. Theseenergiesare only differentmanifestations
of the energieswe seein operationall aroundus. In mostcaseswe are notevenawareof theirexistence. "Theypenetrate
everythingincludingourown bodies. Everyone of us is aliveby virtueof these energies. Everypart and particleof the universe