132 Heather M.-L. Miller: Archaeological Approaches to Technology
deposits are primarily composed of silica. However, most sand deposits con-
tain considerable impurities that would affect the colors and properties of the
desired product, so that significant effort seems to have been made to find rel-
atively pure deposits of silica sand, the most famous such deposit during the
Roman period being that of the Belus River in Syria. Alternatively, quartz peb-
bles and rock crystal were crushed to get quite pure silica, but with much more
labor. Flint was also crushed to create glass in Europe, since the sands available
contained too many impurities to make a clear glass (Hodges 1989 [1976]: 54).
Because silica melts at a very high temperature for pre-industrial kilns,
C, fluxes or modifiers need to be added to lower the melting point of
the silica. These fluxes are a variety of metallic oxides, which include oxides
of sodium, potassium, lead, magnesium, and alumina (Hodges 1989 [1976]:
44–45). Many of these oxides are found together in any particular glaze or
glass mixture, as many of them can come from the same source (e.g., plant
ashes or mineral sources), or are found as impurities in the silica source or
in the clay or stone body of glazed materials and mix with the applied flux
during production. Thus, glazes are usually not characterized by the presence
or absence of a particular oxide, but by the relative proportion of the oxides
present. Each type of flux compound or modifier had different properties that
would be an advantage or disadvantage for the production process or the final
object, such as high plasticity or low melting point during production, or
increased luminosity of final object. For use, the mineral fluxing agents would
need to be crushed or ground, sorted and sifted; some were also burned prior
to crushing. To create plant ash fluxes, particular plants were burnt, and the
ashes collected and cleaned.
Glaze and glass classifications are frequently based on the type of flux
(modifier) or its source of origin (e.g., Hodges 1989 [1976]: 48–50, 56; Rye
1981: 44–46; McCray 1998: 36). There are two main divisions of vitreous
silicate materials based on their fluxing systems: lead and alkaline. Both of
these types apply to glass and glazes, while faiences mostly employed alkaline
fluxes. Hodges adds a third type of glaze, slip glazes, which employ an iron-rich
clay slip that is vitrified (melted to a vitreous state). Clay slips are mentioned
here primarily to note that they are frequently confused with glossy, unvitrified
slips, which are not glazes, leading to incorrect statements about the presence
of early glazes (e.g., Rice 1987: 20). Lead oxide fluxes are made from various
metallic and mineral sources of lead, which were burned and powdered when
used for glass production (Henderson 2000). As a glaze, lead oxide compounds
could be applied either directly as powder, or more commonly suspended in
water (Hodges 1989 [1976]). Alkaline vitreous materials, employing alkaline
fluxes, are divided into soda-lime types, potash-lime types, salt glazes, and
feldspar-lime or felspathic glazes. The last two types are found only in glazes,
and are produced only at high temperatures (above 1100
C. Salt glazes are