26 Chapter 1. Complexity and Approximation
and v is the constant for ROB3SAT. We have to define f, g, and a so that
(f, g, a) is an AP-reduction from A to MAX3SAT; we write B for MAX3SAT in
the following. We have to show that OPTB (x) OPTa (x)
v~(~) ~< r implies -a(~) ~< l+c~(r--1) for
a constant a that we will specify later. We distinguish two cases. First, assume
that 1 + c~(r - 1) /> c holds; in this case the approximation given by
already good enough. So, we see it is sufficient to use the solution ~ that
yields for the input x to fulfill the property of an AP-reduction and we define
g(x, ~1, r)
:= ~ in this case.
Let now d := 1 + a(r - 1) < c hold. Since we have the approximation algorithm
with performance ratio c that yields a solution & for an input x we know that
the value of an optimal solution
is in the interval [VA(~), CVA(~)]. We
divide this interval in k := [log d c] subintervals with lower bounds
divA(~) and
upper bounds
for 0 x< i < k. Since
the problem
of deciding whether the value of an optimal solution is at least q belongs to
AlP for all constants q. We now have k AlP-decision problems such that the
"membership proof" we mentioned in the discussion of Cook's theorem is a
solution for our optimization problem A with value at least
Using the
second tool mentioned above we can compute in polynomial time an instance
for c-ROB3SAT qo with m clauses that is equivalent to the i-th A/'T'-decision
problem for all 0 ~< i < k. Given an assignment Ti that satisfies more than
(1 - e)m clauses we can compute in polynomial time a satisfying assignment
for qoi and use this to compute a solution
s E SA(X)
to the i-th AlP-decision
problem with
VA(S) >1 divA(SC).
We assume without loss of generality that each instance qoi has the same number
m of clauses; using an appropriate number of copies of ~i suffices to achieve
this. With io we denote the maximum index i such that qoi is satisfiable; we
diOvA(~) <<,
d/~ then. We define 9 := Ai=0 ~i as
the instance for MAX3SAT. Assume that T is an assignment for 9 such that
OPTB(~IJ ) ~ rVB(T )
holds. We can use T as an assignment of qoi for all i by
ignoring all assignments for variables that do not occur in ~i. If T satisfies more
than (1 - e)m clauses in qoi for some i then qo, is satisfiable. We know that we
can compute in polynomial time a satisfying assignment for qoi; from Cook's
theorem we know that this assignment can be used to compute deterministically
in polynomial time a membership proof for the input to II, in this case this proof
is a solution for the problem of finding a solution to our optimization problem A
with value at least
(~). Given the assignment T we are able to compute such
a solution deterministically in polynomial time. It follows, that if we can show
that T satisfies at least (1--e)m clauses in ~i0 we can compute in polynomial time
a solution with value at least
that has ratio at most d = 1 + a(r - 1).
So, the defined reduction would indeed be an AP-reduction and the proof would
be complete.
We are still free to define the constant a and will use this freedom to show that
~- satisfies more than (1 -e)m clauses in qo~ o. We know that
OPTB(~I ~) ~ rUB(T)
so OPTB(~I t) --VB(7")
<~ ~
OPTB(~I t)
follows. We call the