Electronic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes
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We found a reliable matrix which can describe the CNT electron behavior with doing the
series of calculations based on the Ritz variational, OPW and TB methods. In this method,
there is no limitation on crystalline potential of CNT structure, so it can be suggested for
evaluating the electronic band energy of SWCNTs.
Therefore, the wave functions, which enter the Slater integrals, are based on self – consistent
way from the corresponding integro – differential equations. It means the one – electron
Hamiltonian of CNT in the many – electron representations, should take into account the
electron transfer owing to matrix elements of electrostatic interaction, which will be more
complicated in solving the CNT –atomic problem. Moreover, the general Hartree - Fock
approximation may give us the radial one - electron wave functions which depend explicitly
on atomic term, whilst these wave functions can not be factorized into one - electron ones, or,
the interaction of different carbon electron on the other sites is sometimes required.
Thus we cannot describe unlocalized electron states in CNTs within above methods. In
contrast to TBM, the strength of CNT potential can determine the widths of gaps rather than
of electron bands ( as addressed in TBM).
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