Cooperative Virtual Memory for Sensor Nodes 189
Block size [Byte]
Time [ms]
free swap out swap in
100 15 52 7
400 18 95 19
1024 21 186 46
Fig. 3. Time Measurements for CVM Implementation and the TriSOS Sensor Node
and receiver internal access delay of 50 ms is tolerable. Internal EEPROM or
Flash is expected to be much faster as I2C-Bus introduces a substantial delay.
In this ongoing work we have introduced a novel API for virtual memory
for sensor nodes together with preliminary results which provides elegant han-
dling of memory that can be flexibly distributed to secondary storage Flash and
EEPROM. An important step for improvement is decreasing the access delay
for the swapping operation. Therefore, we will develop and implement an asyn-
chronous swap in and swap out based on usage prediction.
We will implement the CVM into standard Internet protocols like routing,
http in order to demonstrate the feasibility of this concept. In the future we
plan to extend this concept for hibernation and post failure analysis.
Acknowledgments. This work was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education
& Research of the Federal Republic of Germany (F¨orderkennzeichen 01BK0905,
GLab). The authors alone are responsible for the content of the paper.
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