spinal, 574-580
thoracic, 596-601
ultrasound evaluation of, 34-36
Traumatic brain injury, inflicted, 456
Trench fever, 367
Trench foot, 405
Trendelenburg position, 31
in multiple casualty incidents (MCIs), 387
of stroke patients, 156
Trichomoniasis, 339
Tricyclic antidepressants, 664
as cardiopulmonary arrest cause, 14
overdose of, 476
pediatric ingestion of, 530
Trimethobenzamide, 95-96t
Troponin I, 203
as adrenal insufficiency cause, 322
as arthritis cause, 371t
as meningitis cause, 163t
as myocarditis cause, 232
as pneumonia cause, 184
Tularemia, 363t, 366-367
as biological weapon, 707, 709, 709t
Twiddler’s syndrome, 216
Tympanic membrane, perforation/rupture of, 143
lightning-related, 384, 388t
Typhus, 367
Tyramine, as transient hypertension cause, 220
aphthous (canker sores)
differentiated from herpetic lesions, 150
treatment for, 151
corneal, 131, 320
genital, 341, 346
pyoderma gangrenosum-related, 381
as tetanus cause, 352
Ulna, fractures of, 626
Ulnar nerve
motor function testing of, 634
sensory distribution of, 633, 634f
Ultrasonography, emergency, 34-40
of abdominal trauma, 34-35, 35f, 36, 39t
for appendicitis diagnosis, 88, 442
of blunt abdominal trauma, 603
cardiac, 38, 39t
of cholecystitis, 249, 249b
color flow Doppler, of vascular neck injuries, 594
duplex, of deep venous thromboembolism, 191
fetal, 615
focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST),
603-604, 606
pelvic, 37, 39t
of renal stones, 257
for trauma evaluation, 34-36, 39t
Uncal herniation syndrome, 584
Unconscious patients, overdose diagnosis in, 475-476
Unipolar disorder, 663
Upper extremity, musculoskeletal trauma to, 624-626
intravenous pyelogram visualization of, 256
obstruction of, imaging of, 256-257
penetrating injuries to, 611
Ureterolithiasis, 63
Urethra, traumatic injuries to, 611
tears, 610, 626
Urethritis, 270, 340
Urethrogram, retrograde, 611
Uric acid, in gout, 373
Uric acid renal stones, 255-256
in appendicitis, 240
in poisoning patients, 476
in renal colic, 257
routine, 271
Urinary retention
acute, 264-269
chronic, 264
Urinary tract, ultrasound evaluation of, 39t
Urinary tract infections, 270-275
complicated, 272, 272b, 274
recurrent, in men, 274
as serious bacterial infection component, 417
uncomplicated, 272
Urine cultures, 271-272
Urine dipstick tests, 257, 271
Urine drug screens, for cocaine use, 521
Urine output, in shock patients, 28
Urine strainers, 259
Urological surgical patients, bacteriuria treatment in,
Uropathy, obstructive, as oncologic emergency, 297t
Urticaria, 121
acute, 377
USED CARP (mnemonic), for normal anion gap
metabolic acidosis, 308
Uveitis, infectious mononucleosis-related, 449
Uterine rupture, 555
Vaginal discharge, abnormal, 339-340
Vaginosis, bacterial, 340
Valvular heart disease, as chest pain cause, 80
Vancomycin, as toxic shock syndrome treatment,
Varicella (chickenpox), 376, 448
Varices, esophageal, 237, 252
Vascular access
in hemodialysis patients, 277, 277b
in neonates, 470, 470t
in pediatric patients, 469
Vascular injuries
electrical, 391t
to the neck, 591, 594
Trauma (Continued)