432 Index
nearest neighbor classifier, 141, 177,
180, 182, 356, 363, 381
neural assistant, 261, 262, 265, 272
neural validation, 274
neural-based segmentation, 262
noisy characters, 271, 337
normalized Spearman footrule distance,
OCR, see optical character recognition
optical character recognition, 37, 139,
180, 203, 222, 277, 336
order-dependent inter-pattern depen-
dence, 230
outlier, 151, 376
over-segmentation, 140, 259, 261, 269
overfitting, 59, 196, 349, 414
overlapping characters, 271
page segmentation, 243
PCA, see Principal Component Analysis
PDF, see portable document format
estimate, 175
function, 169
theorem, 173
perturbation model, 338
physical structure, 6, 74
portable document acquisition, 244
portable document format, 111
postscript format, 111
pre-processing, 5, 108, 145, 147, 156,
177, 199, 283
precision, 63, 65, 91, 205, 232, 246, 310
principal component analysis, 142, 149,
projection profile, 82, 263, 411
PS, see postscript format
quadratic classifier, 150
quadratic discriminant function, 141
radial basis function, 25, 142, 143, 149,
RBF, see radial basis function
reading order, 10, 23, 46
reading order induction problem, 52
recall, 63, 65, 91, 205, 232, 246, 310
receiver operator characteristic, 309,
400, 423
recognition rate, 38, 148, 150, 152, 156,
164, 167, 175, 176, 178, 182, 185,
214, 260, 261, 270, 272, 307, 334,
338, 345, 347, 350, 353, 377, 380,
412, 419
recognition strategy language, 77
region of interest, 279
reject neuron, 267
reject rate, 399
rejection, 91, 96, 151, 153, 273, 403,
417, 422
retraining, 379
ROC, see receiver operator characteris-
RSL, see recognition strategy language
saturation of recognition system, 353
scaling, 196, 341, 415
score normalization, 375
informational confidence, 377
median absolute deviation, 376
min-max normalization, 376
partial recognition rates, 377
z-score, 376
script identification, 12, 182
segmentation, 224
segmentation areas, 265
segmentation path detection, 259, 261,
segmentation performance, 269
segmentation point validation, 259, 261
self-organization, 194, 234
self-organizing map, 23, 194, 196
semantic web, 106
shearing, 340
signature representation, 389
signature verification, 12
simulated data, 225
skew detection, 243, 339
skilled forgery, 421
sliding window, 416
SOM, see self-organizing map
source label, 225
special learning, 388
specific learning, 393
statistical classifier, 150, 231
statistical dependence, 221
statistical methods, 141
structure adaptive classifiers, 201