I would like to offer my warmest thanks to the many friends who
helped me when I was writing Colloquial Italian. In particular, to
Angioletta Viviani, whose hospitality and advice helped me start
to prepare this new edition, and to Sandra Silipo for help and
advice. Others too numerous to list have helped in various ways,
and their support is very much appreciated. Thanks must also go
to Antonio Ravarino for his plan and architectural drawings.
I am also grateful to: the Editor of La Stampa, Torino, for per-
mission to reproduce a weather forecast; to La Stampa and Lietta
Tornabuoni for permission to use parts of her article, Italia 1945–
1995 Con gli occhi aperti; the Editor and editorial staff of Vera mag-
azine for permission to reproduce parts of the article Per le vie dei
borghi doc from the March 2003 issue; Bernardo Cioni and Lorenzo
Enriques of Zanichelli Editore for permission to reproduce Dott.
Cioni’s email; the Mayor of Apricale for permission to reproduce
Bologna Turismo – Redazione IAT for permission to reproduce the
photos of the Palazzo del Podestà in Piazza Maggiore and of the
fruit and vegetable shop in the Mercato Antico; the IAT of Perugia
for permission to reproduce the photo of the Palazzo dei Priori
and the Fontana Maggiore; the Azienda di Promozione Turistica di
Roma for permission to reproduce the photos of the Campidoglio
and of the Vittoriano; Suzanne Cousin for the photograph of Santa
Maria Novella, Florence; the Servizi Turistico-Ricreativi department
of the Province of Verona for permission to reproduce the photo of
the Roman Arena; the Comando Generale dell’Arma dei Carabin-
ieri for permission to reproduce the photo of a carabiniere at work.
And finally my thanks go to Sophie Oliver and her helpful team
at Routledge.
Permission to use the extract ‘Il mio primo computer: Il pc ideale
per un bambino?’ from Anna magazine was sought but no reply
the photo of Apricale from the town’s website:;