52 WEEK 5
Il turismo
Most national museums close on
Mondays; a few are open on some
public holidays. Many stores close
for lunch, especially in small towns,
and public buildings and banks are
generally closed in the afternoon.
Stores often close on Sundays, except
in some tourist areas.
1 Warm up
Say the days of the
week in Italian.
How do you say “at
six o’clock”?
Ask “What time is
it?” (pp.30–1)
Familiarize yourself with these words and test yourself using the flap.
2 Words to remember
la guida
lah gweedah
la tariffa ridotta
lah tareefah reedottah
l’orario di apertura (m)
lorareeoh dee
il giorno festivo
eel jornoh festeevoh
l’entrata libera
lentratah leebayrah
discount rate
opening times
public holiday
free admission
la visita guidata
lah veeseetah gweedatah
guided tour
Cultural tip You will be asked to pay an admission fee in
most museums, historic buildings, and even some churches. Children
(“bambini”), students (“studenti”), or seniors (“pensionati”) can ask
for the discount rate, which is sometimes available.
È aperto oggi
ay apertoh ojjee
Are you open this
Sì, ma chiudiamo
alle sei.
see, mah kyoodeeamoh
allay say
Yes, but we close at six
C’è l’accesso per i
chay lacchayssoh per ee
Do you have disabled
3 In conversation