or deleting anything. After the letters “html”, type a # followed by
the genus or species name like this:
#genus (full genus name in lower-case letters, expand “æ” and
“œ” to “ae” and “oe“)
#genus_spec (full genus name, underline, first 4 letters of species
name, treating “æ” and “œ” as two letters)
#genus_spec_subs (same as above, adding first 4 letters of
subspecies name)
A few species had to be given alternate anchor names to avoid
conflicts. You can also use your browser’s “Find” function to
search for names or other text.
All sources that could be identified are listed here in alphabetical
order. If you have additions or corrections to the list, please e-mail
Lucy2424@sbcglobal.net or errata@pglaf.org.
Texts by Linnæus himself (“Propria”) are not listed. Four sources
—Hasselquist, Kalm, Loefling, Osbeck—appear to have been
students. Most of their citations would today be listed as “personal
Note that the title pages of published books will often have
different inflectional endings than those listed: for example, a2title
given as “Plantæ Rariores” might appear in print as “Libri Decem
Plantarum Rariorum”.
Alpini, Prospero. De Plantis Exoticis
Listed as Alpinus : exotica.
Amman, Johann. Stirpes rariores in Imperio rutheno.
“Herbarium” may refer to the actual herbarium, given to Linnæus
at or before Amman’s death in 1743.
Listed as Amanni : Ruthenica, Herbarium.
Barrelier, Jacques. Icones Plantarum per Galliam, Hispaniam et
Italiam observatæ
Listed as Barrelieri : Icones.
Bauhin, Gaspard. Pinax theatri botanici
Listed as Bauhini : pinax.
Bauhin, Jean (brother of Gaspard). Historia plantarum nova et
Listed as Bauhini : Historia pl.
Boccone, Paolo. Museo di piante rare della Sicilia, Malta,
Corsica, Italia, Piemonte, e Germania, Icones et descriptiones
rariorum plantarum Siciliae, Melitae, Galliae et Italiae
Listed as Bocconis : Museum, Siculæ plantæ.
Boerhaave, Herman. Index plantarum quae in horto academico
Lugduno Batavo reperiuntur
Listed as Boerhavii : Hortus lugd-batavus.