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Solid-State Electronics
VoL33, №8 pp. 1049-1054,1990
R. Kishore
Equation (50) uncovers some additional sources of the photo-
voltage which do not appear in the approximate treatments [13, 14],
based on the first-order solution of the Bolzmann transport equation.
These new sources are due to the last three terms which depend on the
gradients of the equilibrium concentration and mobilities of s particles
and the photoelectric field. It also shows that the third term due to the
gradient of the effective masses of s particles and the fourth term due
to Dember potential depend on the drift kinetic energy W. The fifth
term due to the gradient of the local equilibrium kinetic energy was
not considered in the earlier treatment [13, 14]. The new sources, due
to last three terms may give a significant contribution in solar ceils
operating at strong photoelectric field and those using the semiconduc-
tors having high carrier mobilities.
Данный текст повествует о дополнительных источниках фото-
тока. Эти источники выводятся из последних трех членов уравнения
Больцмана, которые зависят от градиентов концентрации равнове-
сия и электромагнитного поля. Что же касается свойств новых ис-
точников, то благодаря трем последним элементам они могут давать
существенное содействие элементам, работающим в сильном элек-
тромагнитном поле и использующим полупроводники.
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Memory loss, fatigue, headaches, dizzy spells and burning skin
have been linked to mobile phones in the largest ever study carried out
into their use.
The findings come from a year-long survey of almost 11,000
mobile phone users in Norway and Sweden.
About a quarter of those questioned reported memory loss,
nearly half suffered headaches and almost two-thirds complained of
feeling abnormally drowsy.
Warmth behind the ear or burning skin was reported by 84 per
cent, while 35 per cent said they had difficulty concentrating during or
immediately after a call.
Dizziness was experienced by 13 per cent of users in Norway
and 32 per cent in Sweden - the difference has been explained by dis-
crepancies between translations of the survey.
Symptoms were reported by all users, regardless of whether the
transmitter system was analogue or digital.
Heavy users were found to be at greatest risk, but even those on
the phone for just two minutes a day suffered health problems.
The study, carried out by Sweden's National Institute for Work-
ing Life, SINTEF Unimed in Norway and the Norwegian Radiation
Protection Authority, showed users aged under 30 were three-and-a-
half times more likely to suffer health problems than older users.
Researcher Dr Gunnhild Oftedal said: 'The clearest result is that
people using their phones the most report the most symptoms. There
could be a range of factors for this but we can't exclude anything re-
lated to radiation.'
In Britain, 15 million people -about one in four of the population
- own a mobile phone.
Alasdair Philips, of consumer organization Powerwatch, said:
'There is no question at all that these health effects are very real and of
great concern.
'Even if you accept that just one person in ten - and these figures
are higher - is suffering problems, that's still 1.5 million people in
Britain alone.
'If you don't suffer any problems then fine, but if you do put your
mobile aside for a week or two and see what happens.'
Previous studies have linked mobile phone use to tumors or ge-
netic damage leading to a weakened immune system of Alzheimer's