The most common and basic approach to modelling is the identification
approach. When using it, we observe actual inputs and outputs and try to fit a
model to the observations. In other words, models and their parameters are
identified through experiments.
Two methods of identification can be distinguished, namely the active and
passive, the latter usually less accurate
The identification experiment lasts a certain period of time. The object under
test is excited by the input signal, usually a standard one, and the output is
observed. Then we try to fit a model to the observations. That is followed by an
estimation of parameters. At this point model quality is verified, and checked
whether it satisfies a requirement. If not, we repeat the process taking a more
complex model structure into consideration and adjusting its parameters. The
model’s quality is verified again and again until the result is satisfactory.
In such modelling, difficulties can be expected in two areas and can be related
to model structure and parameter estimation. One potential problem is non-
linearity of elements or environment during dynamic operation. This can increase
the number of difficulties in the development of a model’s structure. An
estimation of parameters can also be difficult, usually burdened with errors related
to interference and random noise in the experiment.
In this book, for modelling we will be using mathematics, especially equations,
leading to mathematical models. We will concentrate on models of objects applied
and utilized in technology. The described reality and phenomena occurring in it
are of analogue character. Their mathematical representation is usually given by
a set of equations containing variables, their derivatives and integrals. Having a set
with one variable and differentiating it, we can eliminate integrals. The result of
this operation is a set of differential equations having one independent variable.
Very often time is that independent variable. Such being the case, it is quite
convenient to express equations as state equations or transfer functions. Both
methods are quite common particularly in the area of technology.
Most commonly, models are sets of linear equations. Their linearity is based on
the assumption that either they represent linear objects or that nonlinearities are so
small that they can be neglected and the object can be described by linear equations.
Such an approach is good enough and well based in many practical cases, and the
resulting model accuracy confirmed by verification is satisfactory. Usually
verification is carried out for a certain operation mode of a system described by the
model. If this mode changes dynamically and is not fixed precisely, model
verification may be difficult. In this case verification of the model can be related to
signals generating maximum errors. The sense of it is such that the error produced
by the application of those signals will always be greater, or at most equal, to the
error generated by any other signal. At this point the question must be answered
whether signals maximizing chosen error criteria exist and are available during the
specific period of time. In such cases, the accuracy of the model should be presented
by the following characteristic - maximum error vs. time of input signal duration.
Approximation methods are another popular way of mathematical representation.
In this case a model is shown in the form of algebraic polynomials, often orthogonal.
These can be transformed into state equations or transfer functions.