E-mail Integration with Mozilla Thunderbird
In this chapter, we'll cover a few items related to the integration between a mail client and
ADempiere. I have selected Mozilla Thunderbird because of its popularity, simplicity, and
the extensibility support. We will see how we can pull out the users detail from ADempiere
and use them in sending bulk messages. For example, if you want to send a mail to all your
prospects, then you can pull out the prospects from the ADempiere database and use them
to send e-mails.
To achieve the goal, we will be developing a Thunderbird add-on. The details about how to
develop a Thunderbird add-on/extension can be found at
Setting up the environment
As we are going to develop a Thunderbird plug-in and also work with the ADempiere database
to pull out the contact detail, this recipe focuses on setting up the right environment for the
work. We will install the development tools for Thunderbird and for ADempiere integration.
This time, we'll keep it simple and straightforward by integrating it with a PHP backend, which
directly queries the ADempiere database. Alternatively, you may integrate the add-on with the
ADempiere Web services, which we saw in
Chapter 4, Web Services.
How to do it...
1. Download and install Mozilla Thunderbird from the URL http://www.
. This recipe uses the latest
3.1.4 version.
2. Set up your favorite e-mail account in it.