378 L. N. Shevrin
[98] L. N. Shevrin, On the decomposition of quasiperiodic semigroups into a band, XVII
All-Union Algebra Conf. Abstracts of Reports. Part 2, Minsk, 1983, 267–268. (Russian.)
[99] L. N. Shevrin, Finitely assembled semigroups, III All-Union Symp. on Theory of Semi-
groups. Abstracts of Reports, Sverdlovsk, 1988, 102. (Russian.)
[100] L. N. Shevrin, Epigroups with certain finiteness conditions, Int. Conf. on Algebra in
Memory of A. I. Mal’tsev. Abstracts of Reports on Theory of Models and Algebraic
Systems, Novosibirsk, 1989, 153. (Russian.)
[101] L. N. Shevrin, Groups whose subgroup lattice has finite dimension, XI All-Union Symp.
on Theory of Groups. Abstracts of Reports, Sverdlovsk, 1989, 132. (Russian.)
[102] L. N. Shevrin, Semigroups, Chapter IV in: General Algebra. Vol. II (L. A. Skornyakov,
ed.), Nauka, Moscow, 1991, 11–191. (Russian.)
[103] L. N. Shevrin, On two longstanding problems concerning nilsemigroups, in: Semigroups
with Applications (J.M.Howie,W.D.Munn,andH.J.Weinert,eds.),WorldScientific,
Singapore, 1992, 222–235.
[104] L. N. Shevrin, To the theory of epigroups. I, II, Mat. Sb. 185 (8) (1994), 129–160;
185 (9) (1994), 153–176. (Russian; English translation: Russ. Acad. Sci. Sb. Math. 82
(1995), 485–512; 83 (1995), 133–154.)
[105] L. N. Shevrin and A. Ja. Ovsyannikov, Semigroups and their subsemigroup lattices,
Semigroup Forum 27 (1983), 1–154.
[106] L. N. Shevrin and A. Ja. Ovsyannikov, Semigroups and Their Subsemigroup Lattices,
Ural State University Press, Sverdlovsk, Part 1, 1990; Part 2, 1991. (Russian.)
[107] L. N. Shevrin and A. Ja. Ovsyannikov, Finitely assembled semigroups and ascending
chain condition for subsemigroups, in: Monash Conf. on Semigroup Theory in Honour
of G. B. Preston (T. E. Hall, P. R. Jones, and J. C. Meakin, eds.), World Scientific,
Singapore, 1991, 269–284.
[108] L. N. Shevrin and A. Ja. Ovsyannikov, Semigroups and Their Subsemigroup Lattices,
Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996. (Revised and enlarged English translation of [106].)
[109] L. N. Shevrin and E. V. Sukhanov, Structural aspects of the theory of semigroup
varieties, Izv. VUZ. Matem. 6 (1989), 3–39. (Russian; English translation: Soviet Math.
Izv. VUZ 33 (6) (1989), 1–34.)
[110] L. N. Shevrin and M. V. Volkov, Identities of semigroups, Izv. VUZ. Matem. 11 (1985),
3–47. (Russian; English translation: Soviet Math. Izv. VUZ 29 (11) (1985), 1–64.)
[111] V. P. Shunkov, On locally finite groups with the maximal condition for abelian sub-
groups, Algebra i Logika 9 (1970), 579–615. (Russian.)
[112] A. N. Silkin, On almost nilpotent nilsemigroups, manuscript, Ural State University,
1993. (Russian.)