Congruence modular varieties 277
3 Notation
We assume that the reader is familiar with the basics of universal algebra, and we will usually
use notation consistent with [37]. In this section, we emphasize a few key ideas and pieces of
Generally, we will use plain text capital letters to refer to sets. We will use bold faced text
to refer to algebras. Usually (but not always), the same letter will be used for the set and the
algebra. For example, an algebra on a set A will almost always be called A. We use script
letters (such as V) to refer to varieties, classes of varieties, and classes of algebras. For any
algebra A in a variety V and any term t(x
)ofV, it is customary to use a superscript
to denote the term operation of A induced by t (that is, t
)). In most of our proofs,
the algebra will be understood, so we will often (usually) leave off the superscript to allow
for cleaner notation. If A is an algebra, we will use bold faced lowercase letters to represent
elements of direct powers of A. For example, an element a ∈ A
is a vector a
Notice that with this notation, we will always assume our subscripts begin at 0 and go to
n − 1. When applying an (n + m)-ary term t toavectorx
often more convenient (and notationally cleaner) to write t(x, y).
For the subalgebra of A generated by a subset X ⊆ A, we will write Sg
(X). For the sub-
algebra generated by elements a
, we may abuse notation and write Sg
Similarly, we use Cg
(X) for the congruence on A generated by a subset X ⊆ A
principal congruence generated by identifying elements a and b, we will write Cg
(a, b). In
all cases, we may omit the subscripted A if the underlying algebra is understood. We will
use End A for the endomorphism monoid of A.
Depending on context, there are three notations we may use to assert that two elements
x and y are related by a binary relation α. These are
x, y∈α, and
x ≡ y (mod α).
By a tolerance on an algebra A, we mean a subalgebra of A
which is reflexive and symmetric
(but not necessarily transitive). We will use Con A to represent the congruence lattice of A
and Tol A to represent the tolerance lattice of A.Ifα is any binary relation then Tr(α) will
be the transitive closure of α. The universal relation on a set A will be denoted 1
identity relation will be denoted by 0
If V is any variety, we will use the notation V|=
... to indicate that all congruences of
all algebras in V satisfy the property .... For example, V|=
(α ∩ β ≈ [α, β]) means that
for every algebra A ∈Vand for all α, β ∈ Con A the equality α ∩ β =[α, β] holds. Usually,
≈ will be used to represent the equality symbol of a first-order language, and = will be used
for a specific instance of equality.
Much of this manuscript will deal with congruence lattices which are modular or dis-
tributive. Therefore, we remind ourselves of the definitions of these properties and state
some basic facts about them. The realization of the concept of a lattice as an independent
algebraic object of interest and the formulation of the modular law dates back to Richard
Dedekind [9].
3.1 Definition Let L = L, ∧, ∨ be a lattice. L is modular if for all elements a, b, c ∈ L