6 Routing Optimization in OBS Networks 177
6.6 Conclusions
In this chapter we have studied a nonlinear optimization method for the multi-path
source routing problem in OBS networks. In this method we calculate a traffic split-
ting vector that determines a near-optimal distribution of traffic over routing paths.
Since a conventional network loss model of an OBS network is complex, we have in-
troduced some simplifications. The proposed models are computationally effective
and are still highly accurate compared to the basic model. The obtained formulas
for partial derivatives are straightforward and very fast to compute. It makes the
proposed nonlinear optimization method a viable alternative to linear programming
formulations based on piecewise linear approximations of the cost function.
The simulation results demonstrate that our method effectively distributes the
traffic over the network and the overall burst loss probability can be significantly
reduced compared with the shortest path routing.
Acknowledgements Part of the results have been achieved during a Short Term Scientific Mission
of EU COST action 293 – Graphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks (GRAAL) – and
EU COST action 291 – Towards Digital Optical Networks. The work was supported by the Spanish
Ministry of Education and Science under the CATARO project (Ref. TEC2005-08051-C03-01).
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