Список литературы
Ammen, С. W. The Metalcaster's Bible (Tab), 1980.
Arem, Joel Gems and Jewelry (Ridge Press), 1975.
Bovin, Murray Jewelry Making for Schools, Tradesman, Craftsmen (Bovin), 1979.
Bovin, Murray Silversmithing and Art Metal (Bovin), 1989.
Bradford, Ernie European Jewellery (Spring Books), 1967.
Brynner Modern Jewelry (Van Nostrand Reinhold).
Choate, Sharr Creative Casting (Crown), 1966.
Choate, Sharr Creative Gold and Silversmithing (Crown), 1966.
Evans, Chuck Jewelry, Contemporary Design and Techniques (Davis), 1983.
Fales, Martha Gandy Early American Silver (Dutton), 1973.
Fisch, Arlene Textile Techniques in Metal (Van Nostrand Reinhold), 1975.
Finegold, Rupert & Seitz, William Silversmithing (Chilton), 1983.
Gaal Ph.D., Robert The Diamond Dictionary (GIA Press), 1977.
Jarvis, Charles Jewelry Manufacture and Repair (Bonanza), 1978.
Knuth, Bruce Gems in Myth, Legend, and Lore (Jewelers Press), 1999.
Kunz, George The Curious Lore of Precious Stones (Dover), 1971
Liddicoat, Richard T. Jr. Handbook of Gem Identification (GIA Press), 1977
Liddicoat, Richard T. Jr. & Copeland, Lawrence L. Jewelers' Manual (GIA Press).
McCreight, Tim The Complete Metalsmith (Davis), 1991.
Morton, Philip Contemporary Jewelry: A Studio Handbook (Holt, Rinehart & Winston), 1976.
O'Connor, Harold Jewelers Bench Reference (Dunconer Books), 1977.
O'Connor, Harold Procedures and Formulas for Metal Craftsmen (Dunconer Books), 1976.
von Neuman, Robert The Design and Creation of Jewelry (Chiton), 1972.
Sarett, Morton R. Jewelry in Your Life (Nelson), 1979.
Steakley, Doug Holloware Techniques (Watson Guptill), 1979.
Untracht, Oppi Metal Techniques for Craftsman (Doubleday), 1968.
The Findings Book (Stuller Settings, Inc.), 1993.
GIA Home Study Course Manuals (GIA Press).
Student Handbook (Southwestern), 1993.