400 High-performance organic coatings
18.7 Application of various resins
Vinyl ester based products have been established for chemical resistance
with good tensile strength at higher temperatures of 100–120°C for
immersed and 160°C for non-immersed conditions. These products are
suitable for a wide range of chemical environments including strong acids,
strong alkalis, petrochemical service environment and demineralized drink-
ing water. For less aggressive media bisphenol-A resin systems are most
suitable. These are normally used for seawater application, sweet crude oil
service and moderate chemical environments.
Epoxy solvent-free systems give long-term protection against moderate
A very special product, unsaturated ester resinous surface coating, is avail-
coating system is effective in reducing surface roughness and has a hydro-
phobic nature. When compared to metallic surfaces that are highly attrac-
tive to water molecules, the hydrophobic nature of such coatings gives a
low surface attraction and repels water, resulting in lower frictional
level of improvement in this area without loss of other physical properties
18.8 Formulation issues
known, as is the reinforcement nature of the lamellar pigment. There are,
however, possibilities that the particles of glass can end up misaligned in
they can create a potential fault within the coating, leading to accelerated
Recent developments have shown increasing promise in the use of poly-
ester/acrylic and vinyl ester/acrylic copolymer binders with 0.4 mm to 3–
parallel to the substrate, thus offering excellent resistance to permeation,
corrosion, abrasion, physical abuse and thermal shock. In each 1 mm thick-
chemical attack with desired physical properties. Some fillers used are stain-
less steel, silicon carbide and metallic filler to give high abrasion resistance.
thereby increasing efficiency and often reducing power requirements. This
coating film to give an extended difficult pathway through the film is well
the film, and if these particles have a length greater than the film thickness,
permeation through the film. This effect can lead to the necessity of apply-
ing very thick films or multi-coat applications to compensate for these
able to reduce fluid friction and micro-turbulence in water transport systems,
The reason for the success of glassflake systems has primarily been their
low permeability. The new series of glassflake linings now offer a very high
such as abrasion and impact resistance, flexibility, ease of application, etc.
The theory of glassflake pigment particles aligning without an applied
4 μm thick glassflakes. Formulators have arranged the glassflakes to lie
ness of lining there are multiple layers of overlapping glassflakes. The
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