PART 1 1
Intended for close-in combat.
The Pernach pistol has been developed to substitute
the APS pistol and outperforms the latter. It is simpler
in design and manufacture than its predecessor.
The pistol is provided with a folding metal stock. It can
also mount a laser target designator and a silencer.
9- -35
+,-./0./1,. -23 4,-,.53 6257.,89 693.
+:75, ;+,-<=/423,= <969> ;5<=92,= ?/@/+94/, ./ @9=9-
+B> :<=/.942,. -:2C.B> =9+D90-
@9D;,.</=9+ -25.9> 18 DD, ;90-
4923,= <=+,23=C @/@ F=/=.BD5 ;/-
=+9./D5 ?, =/@ 5 D9-,+.505+9-
4/..BD5 ;/=+9./D5 ?? 5 ;/-
=+9./D5 ;94BF,..9> 6+9.,;+9-
654/,D9<=5 G?. H9+/69=@/ ;5<-
=92,=/ ?/@/+94/ ., =+,6:,= <,+C-
,0.BI =+:-90/=+/=, 4 =9 7, 4+,D3
;904923,= .,<@92C@9 <.505=C <52:
9=-/15, / 82/4.9, - <:J,<=4,..9
:D,.CF5=C ;9-6+9< <=492/ ;+5
<=+,2C6, F=/=.BD5 5 D9-,+.505-
+94/..BD5 ;/=+9./D5.
Class 1005 Guns,
up to 30 mm
%&' 10 (&')*
O2/<< 1005 =+,2@949, 5 /+=522,+5><@9, 499+:7,.5,
@/256+/ -9 30 DD
+,-.,/0 123245036+5646
5; ;/=+9./ 9 I 18 ?, ?? 5 G?
Q/6/+5=.B, +/0D,+B, DD 185 I 127 I 33
?/<</ < D/8/05.9D 6,0 ;/=+9.94, @8 0,76
D@9<=C D/8/05./, ;/=+. 8
Basic Characteristics
Cartridge 9 x 18 PM, PMM and PBM
Overall dimensions, mm 185 x 127 x 33
Empty weight, kg 0.76
Magazine capacity, rds 8
9mm OTs-35 PISTOL
Intended for close-in combat.
It is essentially a Makarov pistol which mounts a recoil
compensator, 18 mm long,
and fires standard PM, mod-
ernized PMM and enhanced
armor-penetration PBM car-
tridges. The Makarov pistol
retrofitting does not require
much labor consumption but,
at the same time, somewhat
reduces the force of recoil
and, which is most important,
significantly reduces muzzle
rise in firing standard and
modernized cartridges.
9- (@AB «&*»
+,-./0./1,. -23 4,-,.53 6257.,89 693.
5<=92,= «,+./1» <90-/. ./ 0/D,.: ;5<=92,=/ ] 5
;+,49<I9-5= ,89 ;9 69,4BD 5 ^@<;2:/=/_59..BD I/+/@=,-
+5<=5@/D, @9.<=+:@=54.9 ;+9J, 5 =,I.929851.,, 4 ;+950-
O ;5<=92,=: ;+52/8/,=<3 <@2/-.9> D,=/2251,<@5> ;+5-
@2/-. `90D97./ :<=/.94@/ 2/0,+.989 _,2,:@/0/=,23 5
;+569+/ 6,<F:D.9> <=+,2C6B.
Basic Characteristics
Cartridge 9x18 PM, PMM and PBM
Rate of fire, rds/min 800
Mode of fire selective
Overall dimensions, mm:
without stock 223 x 141 x 36
with stock 533 x 141 x 36
Empty weight, kg:
without stock 1.15
with stock 1.42
Magazine capacity, rds 18 or 27
+,-.,/0 123245036+5646
5; ;/=+9./ 9 I 18 ?, ?? 5 G?
,D; <=+,2C6B, 4B<=+./D5.. 800
e,75D <=+,2C6B 9-5.91.B> 5 /4=9D/=51,<@5>
Q/6/+5=.B, +/0D,+B, DD:
6,0 ;+5@2/-/ 223 I 141 I 36
< ;+5@2/-9D 533 I 141 I 36
?/<</ < D/8/05.9D 6,0 ;/=+9.94, @8:
6,0 ;+5@2/-/ 1,15
< ;+5@2/-9D 1,42
D@9<=C D/8/05./, ;/=+. 18; 27