Class 5840 Radar Equipment, Except Airborne
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PART 4 - . 4
The radar set comprises:
- vehicle M1 carrying the antenna assembly, recep-
tion/transmission equipment and built-in ground-based
radio interrogator;
- vehicle M2 carrying control, data processing, display
and transmitting equipment;
- vehicle M3 carrying SPT&A, test equipment and
- trailers towed by vehicles M1 and M2, carrying pow-
er generating systems.
Optionally, the radar can be provided with remote con-
trol equipment comprising four operator workstations
linked with the radar by a fiber-optic line when
deployed up to 1 km away from it, and by radio line
when located at a distance of up to 15 km.
The Gamma-S1E is a prospective air target detection
It is noted for high mobility, short deployment (close-
down) time, possibility of operation from a trench or
embankment, high energy potential and jamming
immunity, and high degree of automation of target
detection and dynamic parameter measurement, sys-
tem operation control and monitoring.
The radar stably works at ambient temperatures of
C, relative humidity of up to 98% and wind velocity
of up to 25 m/s. The maximum elevation of the radar
site above sea level is 2,000 m.
Basic Characteristics
Waveband centimetric
Target detection zone:
in range, km 10 to 300
10 to 400 (auxiliary mode)
azimuth, deg. 360
elevation, deg -2 to +30
-2 to +55
altitude, km 30
Clutter suppression factor, dB 45
Scan period, s 10
Target paths generated per scan 100
Coordinate measurement accuracy:
range, m 50
azimuth, arcmin 15
elevation, min 10 to 15
altitude, m 400
range, m 250
azimuth, deg 1.4
Power, kW:
mean generated 10 to 12
consumed (summer/winter) 70/90
MTBF, h 500
Mean recovery time, h 0.5
Time of:
run-up, min 5 (3 in emergency)
deployment/close-down, min 40
Crew 3
Transport facilities (main) 2 vehicles
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