
428 L Learning Automata
Corollary 15 Let C be the class of functions that can be
expressed in the following way: Let p
: ˙ ! K be arbi-
trary functions of a single variable (1 i `, 1 j n).
Let ` = O(log n) and g
: ˙
! K (1 i `)bedefined
by ˙
). Finally, let f : ˙
! K be defined by
f =
.Then,C is learnable in time poly(n; j˙j).
Corollary 16 Consider the class of decision trees of depth s,
where the query at each node v is a boolean function f
with r
t (as defined in Section "Key Results") such
that (t +1)
poly(n; j˙j).
The above class contains, for example,all the decision trees
of depth O(log n) that contain in each node a term or
aXORofasubsetofvariablesasdefinedin[15] (in this
case r
Negative Results
In [4] some limitation of the learnability via the automa-
ton representation has been proved. One can show that the
main algorithm does not efficiently learn several impor-
tant classes of functions. More precisely, these classes con-
tain functions f that have no “small” automaton, i. e., by
Theorem 1, the corresponding Hankel matrix F is “large”
over every field
Theorem 17 The following classes are not learnable in
time polynomial in n and the formula size using multiplic-
ity automata (over any field
K): DNF, Monotone DNF,
2-DNF, Read-once DNF, k-term DNF, for k = !(log n),
Satisfy-s DNF, for s = !(1), Read-j satisfy-s DNF, for
j = !(1) and s = ˝(log n).
Some of these classes are known to be learnable by
other methods, some are natural generalizations of
classes known to be learnable as automata (O(log n)-term
DNF [11,12,14], and satisfy-s DNF for s = O(1) (Corol-
lary 11)) or by other methods (read-j satisfy-s for js =
O(log n/loglogn)[10]), and the learnability of some of
the others is still an open problem.
Cross References
Learning Constant-Depth Circuits
Learning DNF Formulas
Recommended Reading
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