- À ÿ áû ïðåäïî÷¸ë - And I would like some apple
ÿáëî÷íûé ñîê. juice.
- Âñå ñîêè ïîëåçíû - All juices are good for your
äëÿ çäîðîâüÿ: òîìàòíûé, health: tomato, plum, apricot and,
ñëèâîâûé, àáðèêîñîâûé è, of course, apple juice.
êîíå÷íî, ÿáëî÷íûé.
- ×òî æå ìû âîçüì¸ì? - What shall we have?
- Îáåä èç òð¸õ áëþä, êàê ýòî - The three-course meal,
ïðèíÿòî ó ðóññêèõ. as the Russians do.
- ×òî æ, Ìîíà, âûáèðàéòå. - Well, Mona, you choose.
- Ìîæåò áûòü, íà÷í¸ì ñ ñàëàòà, - May be let’s start with salad,
çàòåì íàñòîÿùèå ðóññêèå ùè, ðûáà. then real Russian shchi, fish.
- À ÿ õî÷ó óõó è ñîëÿíêó. - I want ukha and solyanka.
- Êàê ãîâîðèòñÿ, íà âêóñ - As they say, tastes differ
è öâåò òîâàðèùåé íåò. (lit. So many tastes and colours -
so many friends!).
- ß äóìàþ, âîçüìó ïø¸ííóþ - I think I’ll have millet porridge
êàøó ñ òûêâîé è ÷àøêó ÷àÿ with pumpkin and a cup of tea
áåç ñàõàðà. without sugar.
“Ùè äà êàøà - ïèùà íàøà” - “Shchi and porridge is
our native food,” as the saying
- Bû íà äèåòå? - Are you on a diet?
- Äà. - Yes, I am.
- ×òî ïîçâîëÿåò âàì äèåòà? - What does your diet allow
you to eat?
- Íåìíîãî îòâàðíîãî ìÿñà - Well, some boiled meat or fish,
èëè ðûáû, íåñêîëüêî ÿèö a few hard-boiled eggs,
âêðóòóþ, íåìíîãî ñûðà some cheese or milk,
èëè ìîëîêà, ìíîãî îâîùåé: a lot of vegetables - beet, carrots,
ñâ¸êëó, ìîðêîâü, ïîìèäîðû, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions,
îãóðöû, ëóê, íåìíîãî êàðòîôåëÿ, a few potatoes, a lot of fruit.
ìíîãî ôðóêòîâ.