It goes without saying that this thesis is a collaborative piece of work. Much
like the system presented here draws musical ideas and sounds from multiple
song examples, I personally drew ideas, influences, and inspirations from many
people to whom I am very thankful for:
My committee: Tod Machover, Peter Cariani, Fran¸cois Pachet, Julius O. Smith
III, Barry Vercoe.
My collaborators and friends: Brian, Mary, Hugo, Carla, Cati, Ben, Ali, An-
thony, Jean-Julien, Hedlena, Giordano, Stacie, Shelly, Victor, Bernd, Fr´edo,
Joe, Peter, Marc, Sergio, Joe Paradiso, Glorianna Davenport, Sile O’Modhrain,
Deb Roy, Alan Oppenheim.
My Media Lab group and friends: Adam, David, Rob, Gili, Mike, Jacqueline,
Ariane, Laird.
My friends outside of the Media Lab: Jad, Vincent, Gaby, Erin, Brazilnut, the
Wine and Cheese club, 24 Magazine St., 45 Banks St., Rustica, 1369, Anna’s
My family: Micheline, Ren´e, C´ecile, Fran¸cois, and Co.
Acknowledgments 7