5.5 Equivalence of Representations 173
(and in fact has two separate connected components), so we cannot conclude that its
adjoint and fundamental representations are equivalent. In fact, as we mentioned be-
fore, we know that these representations are not equivalent, since if φ :so(3) →R
were an intertwining map, we would have for any Y ∈ so(3),
Y)=φ(Y) since Ad
is the identity
as well as
Y)=(−I)φ(Y) since φ is an intertwiner
a contradiction. Thus φ cannot exist, and the fundamental and adjoint representa-
tions of O(3) are inequivalent.
Exercise 5.23 Use Example 5.17 and Exercise 5.19 to deduce that R and
are equiva-
lent as SO(3) representations (in fact, they are both the trivial representation). Can you find
an intertwiner? Do the same for the SO(3, 1)
representations R and
, using the results
of Example 5.18. Using Proposition 5.2, also conclude that R
are equivalent as
SO(3, 1)
Exercise 5.24 Reread Example 3.29 in light of the last few sections. What would we now
call the map J that we introduced in that example?
Example 5.20 Vector spaces with metrics and their duals
Let V be a vector space equipped with a metric g (recall that a metric is any symmet-
ric, non-degenerate bilinear form), and let (, V ) be a representation of G whereby
G acts by isometries, i.e. (g) ∈ Isom(V ) ∀g ∈ G. Examples of this include the
fundamental representation of O(n) on R
equipped with the Euclidean metric, or
the fundamental representation of O(n − 1, 1) on R
with the Minkowski metric,
but not U(n) or SU(n) acting on C
with the standard Hermitian inner product (why
not?). If the assumptions above are satisfied, then (, V ) is equivalent to the dual
representation (
) and the intertwiner is nothing but our old friend
L :V →V
v →g(v, ·).
You will verify in Exercise 5.25 that L is indeed an intertwiner, proving the asserted
equivalence. Thus, in particular we again reproduce (this time in a basis-independent
way) the familiar fact that dual vectors on n-dimensional Euclidean space transform
just like ordinary vectors under orthogonal transformations. Additionally, we see
that dual vectors on n-dimensional Minkowski space transform just like ordinary
vectors under Lorentz transformations! See Exercise 5.26 for the matrix manifesta-
tion of this.
The reason we have excluded complex vector spaces with Hermitian inner prod-
ucts from this example is that in such circumstances, the map L is not linear (why
not?) and thus cannot be an intertwiner. In fact, the fundamental representation of