Chapter 5
Purpose: The host requests the status of the features of a device, interface, or endpoint.
Request Number (bRequest): 00h
Source of Data: device
Data Length (wLength): 0002h
Contents of wValue field: 0000h
Contents of wIndex field: For a device, 0000h. For an interface, the interface number.
For an endpoint, the endpoint number.
Contents of data packet in the Data stage: the device, interface, or endpoint status.
Supported states: Default: undefined. Address: OK for address zero, endpoint zero.
Otherwise the device returns STALL. Configured: OK.
Behavior on error: The device returns STALL if the target interface or endpoint
doesnt exist.
Comments: For requests directed to devices operating at USB 2.0 speeds, two status
bits are defined. Bit zero is the Self-Powered field: 0 = bus-powered, 1 = self-powered.
The host cant change this value. Bit 1 is the Remote Wakeup field. The default on
reset is zero (disabled). SuperSpeed devices support the Self-Powered bit and use bits
2–4 for power-management options. Bit 2 = 1 means the device is enabled to initiate
U1 entry. Bit 3 = 1 means the device is enabled to initiate U2 entry. Bit 4 = 1 means
the device is enabled to send Latency Tolerance Messages.
For request directed to the first interface in a function on a USB 3.0 bus, bit 0 = 1 if
the function supports remote wakeup, and bit 1 = 1 if the host has enabled the func-
tion for remote wakeup. For requests directed to an interface on a USB 2.0 bus, all bits
are reserved.
For requests directed to an endpoint, only bit zero is defined. Bit 0 = 1 indicates a Halt
See Set Feature and Clear Feature for more about Remote Wakeup and Halt. All
non-assigned bits are reserved.
Control Transfers: Structured Requests for Critical Data
Purpose: The host requests to disable a feature on a device, interface, or endpoint.
Request Number (bRequest): 01h.
Source of Data: no Data stage
Data Length (wLength): 0000h
Contents of wValue field: the feature to disable
Contents of wIndex field: For a device feature, 0000h. For an interface feature, the
interface number. For an endpoint feature, the endpoint number.
Supported states: Default: undefined. Address: OK for address zero, endpoint zero.
Otherwise the device returns a STALL. Configured: OK.
Behavior on error: If the feature, device, or endpoint specified doesnt exist, or if the
feature cant be cleared, the device responds with STALL. Behavior is undefined if
wLength > 0000h.
Comments: For USB 2.0, this request can clear the DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP
and ENDPOINT_HALT features. The request does not clear the TEST_MODE fea-
For SuperSpeed, this request can clear the ENDPOINT_HALT, LTM_ENABLE,
U1_ENABLE, and U2_ENABLE features. (To clear the FUNCTION_SUSPEND
feature, see Set Feature.)
Clear Feature(ENDPOINT_HALT) resets a bulk, interrupt, or isochronous data tog-
gle to DATA0 (USB 2.0) or Sequence Number to zero (SuperSpeed) and resets a
SuperSpeed bulk endpoints burst size.
Hubs support additional features.
See also Set Feature and Get Status.
Chapter 5
Purpose: The host requests to enable a feature on a device, interface, or endpoint.
Request Number (bRequest): 03h
Source of Data: no Data stage
Data Length (wLength): 0000h
Contents of wValue field: the feature to enable
Contents of wIndex field: The low byte equals 00h for a device, the interface number
for an interface, or the endpoint number for an endpoint. For a USB 3.0
FUNCTION_SUSPEND request, the high byte can request the Suspend state (bit 0 =
1) or normal operation (bit 0 = 1) and remote wakeup enabled (bit 1 = 1) or disabled
(bit 1 = 0).
Supported states: For features other than TEST_MODE: Default: undefined.
Address: OK for address zero, endpoint zero. Otherwise the device returns STALL.
Configured: OK. High speed must support the TEST_MODE feature in the Default,
Address, and Configured states.
Behavior on error: If the endpoint or interface specified doesnt exist, the device
responds with STALL.
Comments: USB 2.0 defines these features:
ENDPOINT_HALT (0000h) applies to endpoints. Bulk and interrupt endpoints
must support the Halt condition. Events that cause a Halt condition are transmission
errors and the devices receiving a Set Feature request to halt the endpoint.
DEVICE_REMOTE_WAKEUP (0001h) applies to devices. When the host has set
this feature, a device in the Suspend state can request the host to resume communica-
tions. TEST_MODE (0002h) applies to devices. Setting this feature causes an
upstream-facing port to enter a test mode. Chapter 18 has more about test mode.
SuperSpeed supports ENDPOINT_HALT and these features:
FUNCTION_SUSPEND (00h) applies to interfaces and can place a function in the
Suspend state and enable or disable remote wakeup. U1_ENABLE (30h) and
U2_ENABLE (31h) apply to devices and enable the U1 and U2 low-power states.
LTM_ENABLE (32h) applies to devices and enables sending Latency Tolerance Mes-
sages, where a device provides information the host can use in power management.
Chapter 16 has more about power management.
Hubs support additional features.The Get Status request tells the host what features, if
any, are enabled. Also see Clear Feature.
Control Transfers: Structured Requests for Critical Data
Purpose: The host specifies an address to use in future communications with the
Request Number (bRequest): 05h
Source of Data: no Data stage
Data Length (wLength): 0000h
Contents of wValue field: new device address. Allowed values are 0001h–007Fh.
Each device on the bus, including the root hub, has a unique address.
Contents of wIndex field: 0000h
Supported States: Default, Address.
Behavior on error: not specified.
Comments: When a hub enables a port after power-up or attachment, the port uses
the default address of 0000h until completing a Set Address request from the host.
This request is unlike most other requests because the device doesnt carry out the
request until the device has completed the Status stage of the request by sending a ZLP.
The host sends the Status stage’s token packet to the default address, so the device must
detect and respond to this packet before changing its address.
After completing this request, all communications use the new address.
A device using the default address of 0000h is in the Default state. After completing a
Set_ Address request to set an address other than 0000h, the device enters the Address
A device must send the handshake packet within 50 ms after receiving the request and
must implement the request within 2 ms after completing the Status stage.
Chapter 5
Purpose: The host requests a specific descriptor.
Request Number (bRequest): 06h
Source of Data: device
Data Length (wLength): the number of bytes to return. If the descriptor is longer
than wLength, the device returns up to wLength bytes. If the descriptor is shorter than
wLength, the device returns the entire descriptor. If the descriptor is shorter than
wLength and is an even multiple of the endpoints maximum packet size, the device
returns a ZLP in response to a request for more data after the device has sent the
descriptor. The host detects the end of the data on receiving either the requested
amount of data or a data packet containing less than the maximum packet size (includ-
ing a ZLP).
Contents of wValue field: High byte: descriptor type. Low byte: descriptor index, to
specify which descriptor to return when there are multiple descriptors of the same type.
Contents of wIndex field: for String descriptors, Language ID. Otherwise 0000h.
Contents of data packet in the Data stage: the requested descriptor.
Supported states: Default, Address, Configured.
Behavior on error: A device that doesnt support the specified descriptor should return
Comments: Hosts can request the following standard descriptor types: device,
device_qualifier, configuration, other_speed configuration, BOS, and string. On
receiving a request for a configuration or other_speed configuration descriptor, the
device should return the requested descriptor followed by all of its subordinate inter-
face, endpoint, endpoint companion, and class- and vendor-specific descriptors, up to
the number of bytes requested. A class or vendor can define additional descriptors that
the host can request, such as the HID-class report descriptor. See also Set Descriptor.
Control Transfers: Structured Requests for Critical Data
Purpose: The host adds a descriptor or updates an existing descriptor.
Request Number (bRequest): 07h
Source of Data: host
Data Length (wLength): The number of bytes the host will transfer to the device.
Contents of wValue field: high byte: descriptor type. (See Get Descriptor). Low byte:
a descriptor index that specifies which descriptor the device is sending when it has
multiple descriptors of the same type.
Contents of wIndex field: For string descriptors, Language ID. Otherwise 0000h.
Contents of data packet in the Data stage: descriptor length.
Supported states: Address and Configured.
Behavior on error: A device that doesnt support the request or the specified descrip-
tor should return STALL.
Comments: This request makes it possible for the host to add new descriptors or
change an existing descriptor. Few devices support this request, which could enable
errant code to place incorrect information in a descriptor. See also Get Descriptor.
Chapter 5
Purpose: The host requests the value of the current device configuration.
Request Number (bRequest): 08h
Source of Data: device
Data Length (wLength): 0001h
Contents of wValue field: 0000h
Contents of wIndex field: 0000h
Contents of data packet in the Data stage: Configuration value
Supported states: Address (returns zero), Configured
Behavior on error: not specified.
Comments: A device that isnt configured returns 00h in the Data stage. See also Set
Purpose: The host requests the device to use the specified configuration.
Request Number (bRequest): 09h
Source of Data: no Data stage
Data Length (wLength): 0000h
Contents of wValue field: The low byte specifies a configuration. If the value matches
a configuration supported by the device, the device implements the requested configu-
ration. A value of 00h indicates not configured, and the device should enter the
Address state and wait for a new Set Configuration request to be configured.
Contents of wIndex field: 0000h
Supported states: Address, Configured.
Behavior on error: If wValue isnt equal to 0000h or a configuration supported by the
device, the device returns STALL.
Comments: After completing a Set Configuration request specifying a supported con-
figuration, the device enters the Configured state. Many standard requests require the
device to be in the Configured state. See also Get Configuration. This request resets
bulk, interrupt, and isochronous data toggles to DATA0 (USB 2.0) or Sequence Num-
bers to zero (SuperSpeed) and resets the burst size of SuperSpeed bulk endpoints.
Control Transfers: Structured Requests for Critical Data
Purpose: For interfaces that have alternate, mutually exclusive settings, the host
requests the currently active interface setting.
Request Number (bRequest): 0Ah
Source of Data: device
Data Length (wLength): 0001h
Contents of wValue field: 0000h
Contents of wIndex field: interface number (bInterfaceNumber)
Contents of data packet in the Data stage: the current setting (bAlternateSetting)
Supported states: Configured
Behavior on error: If the interface doesnt exist, the device returns STALL.
Comments: The wIndex value refers to the bInterfaceNumber value of an interface
descriptor and indicates which interface the request applies to. In the Data stage, the
device returns a bAlternateSetting value, which identifies which alternate interface set-
ting the device is currently using. Each alternate interface has an interface descriptor
and subordinate descriptors as needed. Many interfaces support only one interface set-
ting. See also Set Interface.
Purpose: For interfaces that have alternate, mutually exclusive, settings, the host
requests the device to use a specific interface setting.
Request Number (bRequest): 0Bh
Source of Data: no Data stage
Data Length (wLength): 0000h
Contents of wValue field: alternate setting to select (bAlternateSetting)
Contents of wIndex field: interface number (bInterfaceNumber)
Supported states: Configured
Behavior on error: If the requested interface or setting doesnt exist, the device returns
Comments: This request resets bulk, interrupt, and isochronous data toggles to
DATA0 (USB 2.0) or Sequence Numbers to zero (SuperSpeed) and resets the burst size
of SuperSpeed bulk endpoints. See also Get Interface.
Chapter 5
Purpose: The device sets and reports an endpoint’s synchronization frame.
Request Number (bRequest): 0Ch
Source of Data: host
Data Length (wLength): 0002h
Contents of wValue field: 0000h
Contents of wIndex field: endpoint number
Contents of data packet in the Data stage: frame number
Supported states: Default: undefined. Address: The device returns STALL. Config-
ured: OK.
Behavior on error: An endpoint that doesnt support the request should return
Comments: In isochronous transfers, a device endpoint may request data packets that
vary in size according to a sequence. For example, an endpoint may send a repeating
sequence of 8, 8, 8, 64 bytes. The Synch Frame request enables the host and endpoint
to agree on which frame will begin the sequence.
On receiving a Synch Frame request, an endpoint returns the number of the frame that
will precede the beginning of a new sequence
This request is rarely used because there is rarely a need for the information it provides.
Control Transfers: Structured Requests for Critical Data
Purpose: For SuperSpeed devices, sets system exit latencies for power management.
Request Number (bRequest): 31h
Source of Data: host
Data Length (wLength): 0006h
Contents of wValue field: 0000h
Contents of wIndex field: 0000h
Contents of data packet in the Data stage: exit latency values.
Supported states: Address, Configured.
Behavior on error: A device that doesnt support the request should return STALL.
Comments: Chapter 16 has more on SuperSpeed power management.
Purpose: For SuperSpeed devices, specifies the amount of time between when a host
transmits an isochronous packet and when a device will receive the packet.
Request Number (bRequest): 30h
Source of Data: host
Data Length (wLength): 0000h
Contents of wValue field: Delay in ns.
Contents of wIndex field: 0000h.
Supported states: Default, Address, Configured.
Behavior on error: a device that doesnt support the request should return STALL.
Comments: the wValue field can range from 0000h to FFFFh.