e-commerce transactions?
Public key infrastructure (PKI)
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Message authentication code (MAC)
Personal identification number (PIN)
NOTE:PKI is the administrative infrastructure for digital certificates and
encryption key pairs. The qualities of an acceptable digital signature
are: it is unique to the person using it; it is capable of verification;
it is under the sole control of the person using it; and it is linked to
data in such a manner that if data are changed, the digital signature is
invalidated. PKI meets these tests. The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is
the most common private key cryptographic system. DES does not address
nonrepudiation. A MAC is a cryptographic value calculated by passing an
entire message through a cipher system. The sender attaches the MAC before
transmission and the receiver recalculates the MAC and compares it to the
sent MAC. If the two MACs are not equal, this indicates that the message
has been altered during transmission; it has nothing to do with
nonrepudiation. A PIN is a type of password, a secret number assigned to
an individual that, in conjunction with some other means of
identification, serves to verify the authenticity of the individual.
The specific advantage of white box testing is that it:
verifies a program can operate successfully with other parts of the
ensures a program's functional operating effectiveness without
regard to the internal program structure.
determines procedural accuracy or conditions of a program's specific
logic paths.
examines a program's functionality by executing it in a tightly
controlled or virtual environment with restricted access to the host
NOTE:White box testing assesses the effectiveness of software program
logic. Specifically, test data are used in determining procedural accuracy
or conditions of a program's logic paths. Verifying the program can
operate successfully with other parts of the system is sociability
testing. Testing the program's functionality without knowledge of internal
structures is black box testing. Controlled testing of programs in a
semi-debugged environment, either heavily controlled step-by-step or via