DEFINITION: To suffer from an inhibition—or an unnatural,
unreasonable, or neurotic reaction to a life-situation
• Why is Alice so hung-up about wearing leans to school? She'll only wear dresses. (Paraphrase:
Why Is she Inhibited about wearing jeans?)
• / really get hung-up when I have to work with figures because I make so many mistakes.
(Paraphrase: I react unreasonably to using mathematics because of the many errors I make.)
FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY: 1) Ask students to describe some of their
own personal hang-ups or those of some of their friends or relatives. 2) Ask
students to decide which of the following situations might be hang-ups.
1. A little boy cries and screams when his mother won't buy him a toy.
2. A woman refuses to travel anywhere In the month of April.
3. An older man does not like the way his daughter cooks potatoes.
4. A teacher refuses to teach In a classroom that doesn't have a blackboard.
5. A tourist refuses to sleep In a hotel that doesn't have at least four elevators.
6. A young woman thinks that the only way to stay healthy Is by sleeping on a bed made of animal
7. A policeman refuses to fire his gun at an escaping prisoner.
8. A child refuses to enter a dark room and begins to cry.
9. A lawyer always gets a bad headache each time he has to go to court before a certain fudge.
10. A young man spends all of his extra money buying stamps for his stamp collection.
DEFINITION: Excellent performance, one difficult to surpass in quality
• My predecessor at my now lob was excellent. He'll be a hard act to follow. (Paraphrase: It will be
difficult to do a better Job than my predecessor.)
• Rosalie is a hard act to follow. She is an excellent speaker. (Paraphrase: She gives such an
excellent performance that It Is hard to do better.)
FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY: Ask students to give examples in their experience of
some hard acts they have to follow.
FUNCTIONAL ACTIVITY: Ask students to decide which of the following would be
hard acts to follow, and at the same time give their reasons.
1. The mayor of a city who has started programs to help the poor, improve education, build better
health clinics, and lower taxes.
2. A store manager who has made many enemies among the employees, caused a decline In safes,
and allowed the store to become dirty and run-down.
3. A little girl, eight yean old, who can play the piano and violin, dance, sing, and recite much
poetry from memory.
4. A retired employee who was always on time, never sick, who did excellent work, and who was
liked by everyone.