4. Bruce Clark, "Pentagon Strategists Cultivate Defense Ties with Indonesia ",
Financial Times, March 23, 1998. 1965, см . No am Chomsky, Yearuth End, 1993),
Chapter 4. JFK/Colombia, см. Michael McClintock, in Alexander George, ed.,
Western State Terrorism (Polity, 1991), а также Instruments of Statecraft (Pantheon,
1992on, 1992). Куба: Nancy Dunne, Financial Times, March 24,1998.
5. Jane Bussey, "New Rules Could Guide International Investment", Miami
Herald, July 20, 1997.
6. Anthony Mason, "Are Our Sovereign Rights at Risk?" The Age, March
7. Economist, March 21, 1998.
8. См . ниже, примечание 9.
9. Имеются противоречащие этому жалобы относительно доступности
проекта договора в более недавний период: David Forman, Australian, January
14; Tim Colebatch, "Inquiry Call over "Veil of Secrecy"", Age, March 4, 1998;
editorials, Australian, March 9, 12, 1998; editorial. Age, March 14, 1998.
10. Laura Eggertson, "Treaty to Trim Ottawa 's Power", Toronto Globe and
Mail, April 3, 1997; Macleans, April 28, September 1, 1997; CBC, October 30,
December 10, 1997; CBC, October 30, December 10, 1997. См . Monetary Reform
(Shanty Bay, Ontario ), no. 7 (Winter 1997-1998). О ВТО см. Martin Khor, "Trade
and Investment: Fighting over Investors' Rights at WTO", Third World Economics
( Penang ), February 15, 1997. Текст проекта МСИ: OECD, Multilateral Agreement
on Investment: Consolidated Texts and Commentary (OLIS January 9, 1997;
DAFFE/MAI/97; Confidential); доступен в Центре публичной политики
«Преамбула» ( 1737 21st St. NW , Washington , D. C. 20009). Проекты с более
поздними датами подписания также цитировались, напр., Martin Khor, Third
World Economics, February 1-15, 1998, с цитатами из OECD, October 1, 1997. См .
Scott Nova and Michelle Sforza-Roderick из «Преамбулы», "M.I.A. Culpa", Nation,
January, 13, 1997, а также другие сообщения в независимой («альтернативной»)
прессе. Дальнейшую информацию см. в: Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, MAI
and the Threat to American Freedom (New York: Stoddart, 1998); Международный
форум по глобализации (1555 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109);
Публично-гражданский контроль мировой торговли (215 Pennsylvania Avenue
SE, Washington, D.C. 20003); Центр «Преамбула»; Глобальное народное
действие (playfair@asta.rwth-aachen. de).
11. Samuel Huntington, American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony
(Harvard University Press, 1981); процитировано в Sidney Plotkin and William
Scheurmann, Private Interests, Public Spending (South End, 1994), 223. Huntington ,
" Vietnam Reappraised", International Security, Summer 1981.
12. House letter on MAI, to President Clinton, November 5, 1997.
13. Laura Eggertson, "Ethyl Suits Canada over MMT Law", G&M, April 15,
1997; Third World Economics, June 30, 1997; Briefing Paper: Ethyl Corporation v.