3.11 Sedimentary Rocks 203
experiments, researchers have struggled to produce dolomite at temperatures and
pressures realistic to its natural formation. This is the crux of the “dolomite
Since dolomitization takes place in the presence of water, oxygen isotope compo-
sitions are determined by the pore fluid composition and by the temperature of for-
mation. Carbon isotope compositions, in contrast, are determined by the precursor
carbonate composition, because pore fluids generally have low carbon contents so
that the δ
C-value of the precursor is generally retained. Two problems complicate
the interpretation of isotope data to delineate the origin and diagenesis of dolomites:
(1) extrapolations of high-temperature experimental dolomite–water fractionations
to low temperatures suggest that at 25
C dolomite should be enriched in
O relative
to calcite by 4–7‰ (e.g., Sheppard and Schwarcz 1970). On the other hand, the oxy-
gen isotope fractionation observed between Holocene calcite and dolomite is some-
what lower, namely in the range between 2 and 4‰ (Land 1980; McKenzie 1984)
The fractionation also may depend partly on the crystal structure, more specifically
on the composition and the degree of crystalline order. (2) For many years it has not
been possible to determine the equilibrium oxygen isotope fractionations between
dolomite and water at sedimentary temperatures directly, because the synthesis of
dolomite at these low temperatures is problematic. With the discovery, that bacteria
mediate the precipitation of dolomite, Vasconcelos et al. (2005) presented however,
a new paleothermometer enabling the reconstruction of temperature conditions of
ancient dolomite deposits.
Figure 3.45 summarizes oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of some recent
and Pleistocene dolomite occurences (after Tucker and Wright 1990). Variations
in oxygen isotope composition reflect the involvement of different types of waters
(from marine to fresh waters) and varying ranges of temperatures. With respect to
carbon, δ
C-values between 0 and 3‰ are typical of marine compositions. In the
presence of abundant organic matter, negative δ
C-values in excess of −20‰ in-
dicate that carbon is derived from the decomposition of organic matter. Very posi-
tive δ
C-values up to +15‰ result from fermentation of organic matter (Kelts and
McKenzie 1982). Such isotopically heavy dolomites have been described, for ex-
ample, from the Guaymas Basin, where dolomite formation has taken place in the
zone of active methanogenesis.
3.11.8 Freshwater Carbonates
Carbonates deposited in freshwater lakes exhibit a wide range in isotopic composi-
tion, depending upon the isotopic composition of the rainfall in the catchment area,
its amount and seasonality, the temperature, the rate of evaporation, the relative hu-
midity, and the biological productivity. Lake carbonates typically consist of a matrix
of discrete components, such as detrital components, authigenic precipitates, neritic,
and benthic organisms. The separate analysis of such components has the potential
to permit investigation of the entire water column. For example, the oxygen isotopic