sociobiology xii
space, attitudes to 128
spatial codes, adaptive value 46
spatial dimension 178–9
Spriggs, M. 75
Stacey, J. 231
state, rise of 229
structural linguistics 47
formal analysis 46, 47
individual in 61
links with Marxism 94
meaning in 126
relationship with systems theory 46
in structure and process relationship
symbolic meaning 184
and theory of practice 90
validation procedure 68
verification 68–72
structuralist analysis 52–9
assignation of meaning 59
structuralist archaeology xi, 45
analysis 45, 46
importance 72–4
structuration 90, 96
structure 214–15
codes of presence and absence 214
of meaning hypotheses 46
in post-processual archaeology 215
universality 70
verification 69
style 61
adaptive advantage 24
information exchange 22, 30
pop star 62
stylistic similarity 2
subsistence economies 184
superstructure 79–80
Surveillir et punir 84
Swahili houses (Kenya) 93
symbol-systems 95
symbolic codes 46
symbolic meaning interpretation
symbolism in human ecology 25
function 216
significant 47
Symbols in Action 1, 2, 5
ethnography 8
symmetry 47, 45, 48
analysis 48–51
body 94
Chaco Canyon settlement 56
Georgian garden 82, 88
system change 32
systemic adaptive theory 21
systemness 170
systems theory xi, 219
and covering law 42
ladder of inference 43
materialist 42
relationship with structuralism 46
social and ideational study 43
trajectory 125
Tanner, N. 229
Taylor, W. 128, 145, 244–5
techniques and society
technology and social change 78
temporal dimension 177–8
quantitative techniques for
measurement 177
text 204–5
variability of interpretation 210
theory 16–19
and data 17, 18, 19
present social and cultural context 18
testing 238, 239
Thiessen polygons 51
Thomas, J. 59, 113, 116
Thorpe, I. 59
Thule culture (arctic Canada) 58
Tilley, C. xv, 18, 52, 53, 113, 116, 119,
197, 199
time, division into periods 31–2
tombs as houses 95, 152
transformation 74
Trehernc, P. 108
Trigger, B. xv, 18, 75, 131
native Americans 226, 227
Trubitt, M. 22, 23
typological dimension 180–2
typology, variability in 208
United States of America 226
universal relationships 241
universality 148
of events 148
Upper Palaeolithic
revolution 77, 80
social change 78
in individual perception 208–9
interpretation of texts 210
in post-processual archaeology 208