Part 1: Strategic Management Inputs
higher returns. Thus, both large and small firms
should continuously scan the external environ-
ment to identify potential substitutes for technolo-
gies that are in current use, as well as to identify
newly emerging technologies from which their firm
could derive competitive advantage.
As a significant technological development, the
Internet has become a remarkable capability to pro-
vide information easily, quickly, and effectively to
an ever-increasing percentage of the world’s popu-
lation. Companies continue to study the Internet’s
capabilities to anticipate how it may allow them to
create more value for customers in the future and to
anticipate future trends.
In spite of the Internet’s far-reaching effects, wire-
less communication technology is predicted to be the next significant technological oppor-
tunity for companies to apply when pursuing strategic competitiveness. Handheld devices
and other wireless communications equipment are used to access a variety of network-based
services. The use of handheld computers with wireless network connectivity, Web-enabled
mobile phone handsets, and other emerging platforms (e.g., consumer Internet-access
devices) is expected to increase substantially, soon becoming the dominant form of com-
munication and commerce.
Amazon.com’s Kindle is an emerging wireless technology with capabilities firms
should evaluate. In addition to books, customers can download an ever-increasing array
of products to the Kindle. In mid-2009, over 275,000 of Amazon’s books were available
through the Kindle. Magazines and newspapers are available for purchase and use on the
Kindle as well. The ease of reading daily newspapers on the Kindle without charge instead
of waiting for hard copy to be delivered is threatening the very existence of a host of news-
papers. The Kindle can also be used to surf the Web and send e-mail messages.
Currently in its second generation, there is no doubt that Amazon will continue
developing more advanced versions of the Kindle with each version having additional
functionalities. As a service, the Kindle creates opportunities for those wanting to dis-
tribute knowledge electronically but is a threat to companies whose strategies call for the
distribution of physical “hard copies” of written words. As such, many firms should study
this technology to understand its competitive implications.
The Global Segment
The global segment includes relevant new global markets, existing markets that are
changing, important international political events, and critical cultural and institutional
characteristics of global markets.
There is little doubt that markets are becoming more
global and that consumers as well as companies throughout the world accept this fact.
Consider the automobile industry as an example of this. The global auto industry is one
in which an increasing number of people believe that because “we live in a global com-
munity,” consumers in multiple nations are willing to buy cars and trucks “from whatever
area of the world.”
When studying the global segment, firms (including automobile manufacturers)
should recognize that globalization of business markets may create opportunities to enter
new markets as well as threats that new competitors from other economies may enter
their market as well. This is both an opportunity and a threat for the world’s automobile
manufacturers—worldwide production capacity is now a potential threat to all of these
global companies while entering another market to sell a company’s products appears
to be an opportunity. In terms of overcapacity, evidence indicated that in mid-2009,
this global industry had “… the capacity to make an astounding 94 million vehicles each
year (which is roughly) 34 million too many based on current sales.”
This prediction
of excess capacity suggests that most if not all automobile manufacturers may decide
The global segment
includes relevant new
global markets, existing
markets that are changing,
important international
political events, and
critical cultural and
institutional characteristics
of global markets.
Spencer Platt/Getty images
The Kindle DX, a new pur-
pose-built reading device,
features storage for up to
3,500 books. Amazon has
also partnered with select
major newspapers to offer
readers discounts on the
DX in return for long-term