7 Analyzing the Theoretical Performance of Information Sharing 163
methods, it should be possible to determine which information sharing methods are
best suited to these domains, including if and when random policies should be used.
In addition, by modeling the utility distributions of these domains, it may be possi-
ble to gain insight into the fundamental properties of real-world information sharing
problems, in turn improving the information sharing algorithms that must address
them. Further graph-theoretic and probabilistic analysis should yield tighter bounds
on performance, and additional experiments can determine the optimality of other
common information sharing algorithms such as classic flooding [6], gossiping [2],
and channel filtering [1].
Acknowledgements This research has been funded in part by the AFOSR grant FA9550-07-1-
0039 and the AFOSR MURI grant FA9550-08-1-0356. This material is based upon work supported
under a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.
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