I-38 ■ Index
virtual memory (continued)
defined, C-3
development of, K-53
function of, C-39
in IBM 370, J-84
impact of virtual machines on,
in Intel Pentium, C-48, C-49 to
C-52, C-51
mapping to physical memory,
C-39, C-40
in memory hierarchy, C-40, C-41,
C-42 to C-44, C-43
miss penalties in, C-40, C-42
in Opteron, C-53 to C-55, C-54,
page sizes in, C-45 to C-46
paged vs. segmented, C-40 to
C-42, C-41, C-42
protection and, 315–317,
324–325, C-39
relocation in, C-39, C-40
size of, C-40
translation lookaside buffers and,
317, 320, 323, C-36, C-43 to
C-45, C-45
virtual output queues (VOQ), E-60,
virtually indexed, physically tagged
optimization, 291–292, C-38,
VLIW Multiflow compiler, 297
VLIW processors, 114–118. See also
Intel IA-64
characteristics of, 114–115, 115
in embedded systems, D-8 to
D-10, D-9, D-10
EPIC approach in, G-33
historical perspectives on, K-21
overview of, 115–118, 117
VLVCU (load vector count and
update), F-18
VM. See virtual machines
VME racks, 393, 394
architecture of, F-4 to F-6, F-5,
F-7, F-8
memory pipelines on, F-38 to
multiple lanes in, F-29 to F-31,
F-29, F-30
operation example, F-8 to F-10
peak performance in, F-36
processor characteristics in, F-7
sustained performance in, F-37 to
vector length control in, F-19 to
vector stride in, F-22
VMM. See virtual machine monitors
voltage, adjustable, 18
von Neumann, J., 287, I-62, K-2 to
von Neumann computers, K-3
VPU processors, D-17 to D-18
VS registers, F-6
VT-x, 339–340
wafer yield, 23–24
wafers, costs of, 21–22, 23
waiting line, 380. See also queuing
Wall, D. W., 154, 169–170, K-25
Wallace trees, I-53 to I-54, I-53, I-63
wall-clock time, 28
WAN (wide area networks), E-4, E-4,
E-75, E-79, E-97 to E-99. See
also interconnection
Wang, W.-H., K-54
WAR (write after read) hazards
hardware-based speculation and,
as ILP limitations, 72, 169
in pipelines, 90
in scoreboarding, A-67, A-69 to
A-70, A-72, A-75
Tomasulo's approach and, 92, 98
wavelength division multiplexing
(WDM), E-98
WAW (write after write) hazards
in floating-point pipelines, A-50,
A-52 to A-53
hardware-based speculation and,
as ILP limitations, 71, 169
in pipelines, 90
in scoreboarding, A-67, A-69,
A-75 to A-76
Tomasulo's approach and, 92,
way prediction, 295, 309
Wayback Machine, 393
WB. See write-back cycles
WCET (worst case execution time),
weak ordering, 246, K-44
Web server benchmarks, 32–33, 377
Web sites
availability of, 400
on multiple-issue processor
development, K-21
for OpenMP consortium, H-5
for SPEC benchmarks, 30
for Transaction Processing
Council, 32
weighted arithmetic mean time, 383
Weitek 3364 chip, I-58, I-58, I-60,
West, N., I-65
Whetstone synthetic program, K-6
Whirlwind project, K-4
wide area networks (WAN), E-4, E-4,
E-75, E-79, E-97 to E-99. See
also interconnection
Wilkes, Maurice, 310, B-1, K-3, K-52,
Williams, T. E., I-52
Wilson, R. P., 170
Winchester disk design, K-60
window (instructions)
effects of limited size of,
158–159, 159, 166–167, 166
defined, 158
limitations on size of, 158
in scoreboarding, A-74
in TCP, E-84
windowing, E-65
wireless networks, D-21 to D-22, D-21
within vs. between instructions, A-41,
Wolfe, M., F-51
word count field, C-51, C-52
word operands, B-13
working set effect, H-24
workloads, execution time of, 29
World Wide Web, 6, E-98
wormhole switching, E-51, E-58,
E-88, E-92 to E-93
worst case execution time (WCET),
write allocate, C-11 to C-12
write back, in virtual memory, C-44
write buffers