—, .7J ".
BS 1363 1995 13A plugs, socket-outlets and adaptors
British Standards Institution
BS 7430 1998 Code of practice for earthing British Standards Institution
The Electricity Association Recommendation for the connection of
embedded generating plant to the requirements of the electrical
companies' distribution system Engineering recommendation G 59-1
The Electricity Association, 30 Millbank, London SW1P 9RD
Institution of Electrical Engineers Requirements for electrical installations
(lEE Wiring Regulations, Sixteenth edition) BS 7671 2001 Institution of
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17 BS 4293 Specification for residual current-operated circuit-breakers 1983
(1993) Superseded by BS ENG 1008-2-1. 1995 and BS IEC1008-2: 1990
British Standards Institution
18 BS 7071: 1992 Specification for portable residual current devices
British Standards Institution
BS 7288 1990 Specification for socket outlets incorporating residual
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Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment HSG 107
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Electricity at work: Safe working practices HSG85 (Second edition)
HSE Books 2003 ISBN 0717621642
Management of health and safety at work Management of Health and
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Effects of current passing through the human body
Part 1 General aspects(IEC 479-1) 1984
Part 2. Special aspects (IEC 479-2) 1987
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BS 5345 (8 parts) Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of
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mining applications or explosive processing and manufacture)
British Standards Institution