90 Bravais lattices and crystal systems
in Figs 3.1 and 3.3 is not always used—a larger (non-primitive) unit cell of three times
the size is sometimes more convenient. The problem of transforming axes from one unit
cell to another is addressed in Chapter 5.
The crystal systems and their corresponding Bravais lattices are shown in Table 3.1.
Notice that there are no axes or planes of symmetry in the triclinic system. The only
symmetry that the triclinic lattice possesses (and which is possessed by all the other
lattices) is a centre of symmetry. This point symmetry element and inversion axes of
symmetry are explained in Chapter 4.
3.4 The coordination or environments of Bravais lattice
points: space-filling polyhedra
So far we have considered lattices as patterns of points in space in which each lattice
point has the same environment in the same orientation. This approach is complete and
sufficient, but it fails to stress, or even make clear, the factthateachoftheseenvironments
is distinct and characteristic of the lattices themselves.
We need therefore a method of clearly and unambiguously defining what we mean
by ‘the environment’ of a lattice point. One approach (which we have used already in
working out the sizes of interstitial sites) is to state this in terms of ‘coordination’—the
numbers and distances of nearest neighbours. For example, in the simple cubic (cubic
P) lattice each lattice point is surrounded by six other equidistant lattice points; in the
bcc (cubic I) lattice each lattice point is surrounded by eight equidistant lattice points—
and so on. This is satisfactory, but an alternative and much more fruitful approach is
to consider the environment or domain of each lattice point in terms of a polyhedron
whose faces, edges and vertices are equidistant between each lattice point and its nearest
neighbours. The construction of such a polyhedron is illustrated in two dimensions for
simplicity in Fig. 3.6. This is a plan view of a simple monoclinic (monoclinic P) lattice
with the b axis perpendicular to the page. The line labelled
represents the edge or
trace of a plane perpendicular to the page and half way between the central lattice point
0 and its neighbour 1. All points lying in this plane (both in the plane of the paper and
above and below) are therefore equidistant between the two lattice points 0 and 1. We
now repeat the process for the other lattice points 2, 3, 4, etc., surrounding the central
lattice point. The planes
etc. form the six ‘vertical’faces of the polyhedron and
in three dimensions, considering the lattice points ‘above’and ‘below’the central lattice
point 0, the polyhedron for the monoclinic P lattice is a closed prism, shown shaded in
plan in Fig. 3.6. Each lattice point is surrounded by an identical polyhedron and they all
fit together to completely fill space with no gaps in between.
In this example (of a monoclinic P lattice) the edges of the polyhedron are where
the faces intersect and represent points which are equidistant between the central lattice
point and two other surrounding lattice points. Similarly, the vertices of the polyhedron
represent points which are equidistant between the central lattice point and three other
surrounding points. However, for lattices of higher symmetry this correspondence does
not hold. If, for example, we consider a cubic P lattice, square in plan, and follow the
procedure outlined above, we find that the polyhedron is (as expected) a cube, but the
edges of which are equidistant between the central lattice point and three surrounding