materials of global scientific importance of the
history of the man's initial settlement in the terri-
tory of our country, ethnical genesis, social and
spiritual life of our ancestors in Azerbaijan.
There is identified the chronological succes-
sion of Paleolithic periodization ranging from the
period of pebble Kuruchay culture (resembling
Oldowan) to the beginning of Upper Paleolithic,
for the territory of Azerbaijan. Moreover,
Paleolithic of pre-mindel (Absheron) and mindel
(Baku) age in the entire Caucasus's Paleolithic
stratigraphy was absent before Cave Azykh was
The results of complex studies illustrate that,
in terms of geological age of the most ancient cul-
tural layers, Cave Azykh is one of the most inter-
esting sites of the ancient man and unique one in
the post-Soviet territory and, in terms of chrono-
logical range of cultural layers covering the bigger
part of the humankind primordial history (from
pebble culture to the Mousterian period inclusive-
ly), is the only one of such kind in the world. The
area of Cave Azykh, i.e. southeast of the Small
Caucasus is one of the most ancient hearths of
human civilization on the planet.
Artifacts, which were obtained from the most
ancient layers – VII – X – dating back to the
Absheron epoch (Eopleistocene), strongly dif-
fered from the Lower Acheulian Layer VI tools by
big dimensions, prevalence of pebble tools,
absence of bifaces, and roughness and primitive-
ness of secondary refining techniques. All this
served as a ground to unite the industry of
Azykh's Lower (VII – X) Layers into particular
one, more ancient than the Lower Acheulian peb-
ble culture we call Kuruchay culture. This culture
emerged and developed in a very favorable geo-
graphical area, at a junction of three great conti-
nents. This geographical area may yield new, still
unknown archeological monuments of origin of
humankind's material culture. The typological
composition of pebble tools of the Kuruchay cul-
ture illustrates that the tools were the prototypes
of materials of Lower Acheulian, Middle
Acheulian and Mousterian layers of the site.
It is possible to conclude from all details of
forming of the tools, an increase of typological
composition, secondary refining techniques and
technical-typological indicators that Kuruchay
culture inhabitants entered the Cave with tech-
niques of making of tools, which had been devel-
oped within several hundreds of thousands of
years and then passed to the next generations as a
Thus, Kuruchay culture carriers, long before
they settled the Cave for the first time, existed and
developed their traditions and culture inhabiting
open-air expanses of the valley of River Kuruchay
approximately 1.5 milion – 2 million years ago.
In Azykh's Lower Pleistocene (Baku-Mindel),
there were already identified Lower Acheulian
forms, which are represented in the form of Layer
VI materials and developed on the basis of
Kuruchay culture. Such succession of the industry
either genetically or ethnically makes the archeo-
logical cultures of the site's such non-contempora-
neous geological periods related and allows con-
cluding that Cave Azykh's Lower Acheulian cul-
ture is the continuation of Kuruchay culture.
Inhabiting Azykh in the Middle Acheulian
period were hominids like pre-Neanderthal man
dating back to Middle Pleistocene (the Lower
Khazar, Mindel-Riss).
The Paleoanthropologic discovery in Azykh
is the most ancient one of all discoveries known in
the post-Soviet area. It allowed identifying the
physical type of Acheulian man who inhabited
here approximately 350,000 – 400,000 years ago.
In terms of physical type, Azykh's