Biodiversity Stability of Shallow Marine Benthos in Strait of Georgia,
British Columbia, Canada Through Climate Regimes, Overfishing and Ocean Acidification
Perry Poon, Eugene Ruff, Paul Scott, Kelly Sendall, Bob Van Syoc, Gary Williams, Bruce
Wing and Bruce Whitaker. Also, from among many dive partners, thanks are specially owed
to Bernie Hanby, Steve Martell, Paul Malcolm, Conor McCracken and Alejandro Frid for
assistance in the field. Kris Moulton created the map of study regions. Portions of the diving
for this work were supported by donations from members of the Howe Sound Research and
Conservation Group and the Vancouver Aquarium Board of Directors, as well as by a grant
from the SeaDoc Society through the Wildlife Health Center (School of Veterinary Medicine,
University of California, Davis).
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