4.8 Kinetics of Grain Growth Inhibited by Vacancy Generation 443
4.8.1 Diffusion-Controlled Creep in Nanocrystalline
Materials under Grain Growth
The developed approach to the processes in materials where vacancy gener-
ation is considered as an integral part of grain growth was applied to creep
in nanocrystalline materials governed by diffusion [558]–[560], [563]. Let us
consider a frequent situation in polycrystals when creep deformation occurs
in parallel with grain growth.
The amount of vacancy supersaturation and the corresponding grain size
variation, as mentioned before, can be described by a set of coupled differ-
ential equations (Eqs. 4.130, 4.131, and 4.158). One expresses the balance of
energy associated with an increment dR of the mean grain size R,andthe
other describes the change of vacancy concentration in the bulk.
As shown in [561] for nanocrystalline materials it is natural to assume that
no vacancy sink of dislocations type are available in the bulk of a grain, in
other words, the sink spacing d can be identified with average grain size R.
The vacancies generated at grain boundaries will be firstly adsorbed by the
boundaries and then directed to the free surface of a sample by boundary
diffusion. Nevertheless, the main concept of the approach developed in [11],
[458]–[460] is valid in this case as well. Although the concept discussed above
related to non-equilibrium processes, like grain growth in polycrystals and in
thin films on a substrate, void dissolution, and sintering, it considered the
phenomena in terms of equilibrium thermodynamics, i.e. the change of va-
cancy concentration of the system was felt as a change of the vacancy part of
the free energy. So, in our case the increase in the local vacancy concentra-
tion in a boundary results, in accordance with equilibrium between the grain
boundary and the adjacent bulk, in an increase in the vacancy concentration
in the grain.
We would like to remind the reader that qualitatively the physics of the
phenomenon can be described as follows. Grain growth is suppressed over a
characteristic incubation time t
, followed by “normal” grain growth
characterized by a parabolic time law. During this time, the average vacancy
concentration in the bulk is maintained at a nearly constant level above the
equilibrium one. After the incubation time the vacancy concentration drops
down to thermal equilibrium.
The vacancy concentration during the incubation time can be estimated by
setting the rate of the concentration variation ˙c to zero and substituting for
dR/dt an expression following from [460]
dR/dt =
The resulting vacancy concentration reads
c =
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