P1: Vendor/FNV P2: FLF
Mathematical Geology [mg] PL235-228125 September 29, 2000 11:14 Style file version June 30, 1999
42 Gon¸calves
1988). Fractals have been also applied in the earth sciences, to tectonics and geo-
chemical distributions (Agterberg and others, 1996; Cheng, 1997; Cheng and
Agterberg, 1995; Cheng and Agterberg, 1996; Cheng, Agterberg, and Ballantyne,
1994; Turcotte, 1997). However, this subject is still regarded sceptically by many
researchers because the concept does not provide a key solution for the physical
understanding of any phenomena it tries to characterize. The fact that multifrac-
tal methods may simulate very complex phenomena does not mean we are able
to understand or draw predictions from them with the fewest possible parame-
ters. Still, the use of fractal models has proved to be in remarkable agreement
with some experimental data of dynamical systems showing chaotic behaviour,
such as turbulent flow (Meneveau and Sreenivasan, 1987). Bearing this in mind,
the goal of this paper is to demonstrate that multifractal models can characterize
complex phenomena in geochemical distributions and improve our knowledge of
Geological phenomena are inherently complex and many features show that
several processes have taken place,overprinting each other andcrafting its present
appearance. This may be viewed as a simple feedback system, in which at least
part of the output of one process becomes the input of the same or of a different
processwithinthegeological sequence of events.Geochemical distributionsareno
exception, and the formation of geochemical anomalies often implies reworking
of former chemically anomalous volumes of rock, enhancing the efficiency of the
processes itself, such as the supergene enrichment of ore deposits. This may give
rise to very complex distribution patterns of chemical elements within the crust, or
even on the surface of the Earth. The work of Agterberg (1995), Agterberg, Cheng
and Ballantyne (1994), and Sim, Agterberg, and Beaudry (1998), for example, use
thetheoryofmultifractalstostudy the spatial distributionofmineralizationphases,
grades of ore deposits, and definition of anomalies in geochemical distributions.
The model proposed byCheng, Agterberg, and Ballantyne (1994) to separate geo-
chemicalanomaliesfrom background valueshas beenappliedsuccessfullytoother
datasets in thestudy of goldmineralization and vanadium,chromium andnickelin
soils (Gon¸calves,1996; Gon¸calves,Vairinho,and Oliveira, 1998), in which thresh-
old values obtained for each element sometimes had a remarkable agreement with
themean grade in the hostrocks. In some cases this can becorrelated with different
mineralizing events (Gon¸calves, 1996).
This kind of result is quite stimulating and provides the motivation to charac-
terizesuchdistributionsin termsoftheir multifractal spectra f (α)as well. Because
this function contains information about the generating mechanism (Mandelbrot,
1990a), it opens a possible line of research to model natural phenomena. This jus-
tifies the proposal of a multifractal model here, to characterize such distributions.
Theproposed model isby no meansunique, butopens possibilities toexploreother
kinds of similar models.