I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to the fate that ensured my successful work
and happy human relations at the Crystallography Department of St Petersburg
State University and Russian Mineralogical Society. I express my gratefulness to
my teacher, Thomas G. Petrov, whose guiding influence has been invaluable for my
scientific outlook formation. With deepest appreciation for the school of thought I
treasure recollections about my late professors: Vitalii B. Tatarskii, Victor A.
Frank-Kamenetskii, Alexander A. Kukharenko, Alexey A. Shternberg, and
Vladimir V. Nardov.
I feel myself deeply indebted to my most devoted collaborators: Sergey N.
Bocharov, Valeria D. Franke, Elena V. Kiryanova, Vladimir G. Krivovichev,
Lyudmila Yu. Kruchkova, Julia V. Plotkina, Marina Yu. Sinai, and Alexei E.
Voloshin. I also thank students, postgraduate students, and researchers of
Department of Crystallography of St Petersburg University, who took part in the
research works and became coauthors of the cited publications.
My particular gratitude should be addressed to Prof. Vladimir V. Dolivo-
Dobrovol’skii, whose valuable remarks greatly helped me in preparation of Russian
version of the present monograph.
A considerable part of the investigations and preparation and publication of the
book itself were supported by the Russian Fund for Basic Research (projects 03-05-
78003, 07-05-00380, and others), programs “Russia’s Universities” of Ministry of
Education and Science of the Russian Federation, State Contract 02.523.12.3004
(project DN 08/07-03). Grants of DAAD (Germany), NWO-NATO (Netherlands),
and INTAS (EC) allowed me to present the results of the investigations to
International Society of Mineralogists and Crystallographers and to develop some
aspects of the problem in close collaboration with my foreign colleagues Profs.
Valter A. Franke, Peter Gille, Helmut Klapper, Andrew Putnis, and Cornelis F.
Woensdregt and Drs. Christine Putnis, Julius Schneider, and Robert Stark.
I am greatly thankful to the editors of both the versions. The Russian version of
the book was issued by Anton V. Voznesenskii, Svetlana A. Bulacheva, and Nina
R. Liberman (the company “Kolo,” formerly “Zhurnal Neva”). The primary transla-
tion into English was carried out by Tatyana Yu. Nikolaenko and the figures for the
English version were edited by Olga A. Temezhnikova. These preparations were
sponsored by the Geological Faculty of St Petersburg University under its Dean