greenhouse effect, 253–254, 276
Greenland-Iceland low, 50
ground blizzard, 216
ground rod, 127
ground-to-cloud lightning, 122–124
gust front, 115
Hadley cell, 46–47, 49
hail, 114–115, 280
heat, 17–21
heat islands, 237–238
heat of fusion, 32–33
heat of vaporization, 34–35
heat transport, 45–47
heat wave
causes of, 232–234
cooling degree days and, 236–237
coping with, 235–236
effects of, 231
heat islands and, 237–238
human factor in, 234
humidity and, 234–235
locations of, 232
ozone pollution and, 234
high, semipermanent, 47
high-altitude clouds, 65–66
historical forecasting, 94–96
Hitler, Russian winter and, 214
hook-shaped echo, 136
horse latitudes, 50
humidity, relative, 42, 65, 81–82, 101
hygrometer, 43, 81–82
humanmade clouds, 68–69
anatomy of, 167–169
Bermuda high and, 163–167, 170–171
“breeding zones,” 165–167
clamps, 152
comparison with other storms, 43, 56,
83–84, 90, 97–98
effects of, 172–182
extratropical, 168, 180–181
eye of, 168–169
eyewall of, 161, 168
flash flooding in, 176
hunter, 90, 168–169
hydrogen bombing of, 282
intensity scale, 185–186
intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)
and, 164
life cycles of, 169–172
lightning in, 180
minimal, 160
naming of, 181–182
plant life and, 260
preparation for, 182–186
rain bands, 168
rainfall in, 176–177
raz de maree, 173–174
recurvature, 169–171
Saffir-Simpson scale, 185–186
season, 165–166
steering current, 161
storm surge, 173–174, 183
survival in, 182–186
tracking chart, 175
tropical characteristics, 167
tornadoes in, 179–180
warning, 172
watch, 172
wave action in, 177–179
Hurricanes, historical
Allen (1980), 161, 171–172
Andrew (1992), 161, 169, 174–175,
180, 188
Betsy (1965), 171, 279
Camille (1969), 174, 179–180
Carol (1954), 182
David (1979), 176, 180, 182
Dennis (tropical storm, 1981), 176, 180
Diane (1955), 177
Edna (1954), 182
Gilbert (1988), 161
Hazel (1954), 177, 182
Miami hurricane (1926), 174
Mitch (1998), 167
“Yankee hurricane” (1935), 171
hypothermia, 219–220
hysteresis, 265
ice ages
earth’s axial tilt and, 262
earth’s orbit and, 261–263
future, 274–277
galactic plane and, 263–265
glaciers and, 273–274
maverick stars and, 266
meteorites and, 267–268
orbital eccentricity and, 263
orbital precession and, 262–263
Permian, 269
plate tectonics and, 268
Pleistocene, 269
resonance and, 271
Ross Ice Shelf and, 270–271
solar radiation and, 165–266
volcanism and, 268–269
ice storm, 197–199
Icelandic low, 195
image resolution, 91
inches of mercury (inHg), 82
Indian summer, 196
infrared (IR), 244, 253–254
interactive solar-electric system, 244
intercloud lightning, 122–123
interglacial periods, 260–279
International System of Units (SI), 3
in numerical forecasting, 101
linear, 92–94
intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ),
49, 164
intracloud lightning, 122–123
inversion, temperature, 92, 226
ionosphere, 44–45, 119
isobar, 58
isotherm, 59
iteration, 101
jet stream, 44, 50–54, 97–99, 196,
205–206, 213–214, 216, 232–234,
joule, 18
Jupiter, 259–260, 262
kelvin scale, 24
kilocalorie, 19
kilometer per hour (km/h)
knot, 61
La Niña, 239
lake-effect snow, 207–208
Laurentia, 269
lenticular clouds, 68
air discharge, 124
anatomy of, 119–129
ball, 124
belt, 147
beneficial effects of, 129
cloud-to-ground, 121–123
electromagnetic pulse caused by,
ground-to-cloud, 122–124
in hurricane, 180
in thunderstorm, 116
in tornado, 135–136
intercloud, 122–123
intracloud, 122–123
multiple stroke, 123
plant life and, 260
protection from, 126–129
radio and television test for, 137–138
rod, 126–128
Saint Elmo’s fire, 124
sheet, 121
stroke detection, 89–90
superbolt, 124
linear interpolation, 92–94
liquid, 1
liquid crystal display (LCD), 88
liquid phase, 1, 6–13