288 Design of 2D numerical geodynamic models
Recent thermomechanical models indicate two detachment modes (Andrews
and Billen, 2009): (1) deep viscous breakoff, which is characteristic of strong slabs
and is controlled by thermal relaxation (heating) of the slab and subsequent ther-
momechanical necking in dislocation creep regime (Gerya et al., 2004a; Faccenda
et al., 2008b; Zlotnik et al., 2008; Baumann et al., 2009), and (2) relatively fast,
shallow plastic breakoff which is characteristic of weaker slabs and is controlled by
plastic necking of the slab (Andrews and Billen, 2009; Mishin et al., 2008; Ueda
et al., 2008). It was demonstrated that the time before the onset of viscous (but not
plastic) detachment increases with the slab age, indicating that detachment time is
controlled by the thickness and integrated stiffness of the thermally relaxing slabs
(Gerya et al., 2004a; Andrews and Billen, 2009).
Breakoff can be modelled in a sufficiently self-consistent way starting, for
example, from the configuration obtained in the continental collision experiment
(Fig. 17.5(b)). We can essentially use the same code and stop convergence (either
sharply or gradually) after the continental crust of the incoming plate reaches
asthenospheric depths, assuming that the crustal buoyancy can potentially block
further subduction. Even more consistent breakoff models use a spontaneous con-
vergence of plates (driven by the slab pull) allowed after some period of forced
convergence creating sufficient slab pull but before the actual beginning of colli-
sion (Faccenda et al., 2008b; Baumann et al., 2009). In this case, plates should be
detached from the model walls to permit horizontal movements.
Figure 17.7 shows results of a breakoff experiment performed with the code
and breakoff.m. It uses the first approach and sharply stops model
shortening (and obviously its thickening as well, otherwise mass conservation con-
dition in the model will be violated which would be really bad ...)at12.7Myr(Fig.
17.5(b)). The model is then free to evolve spontaneously. In the beginning, domin-
ating processes are downward bending (steepening) and thermal relaxation of the
slab, as well as the buoyant escape of previously subducted continental crust toward
shallower depths (see the movement of a black square in Fig. 17.7(a)(b)(c) and the
respective P–T-time path in Fig. 17.8). This stage lasts over 15 Myr (from 12.7 Myr
to 27.8 Myr, cf. Figs. 17.5(b) and 17.7(b)). After the strength of the slab interior
is lowered by the temperature increase, a self-accelerating (due to feedbacks from
stress concentration and shear heating, Gerya et al., 2004a), thermomechanical
necking is activated and leads to rapid (within <1 Myr) detachment of the slab
(Fig. 17.7(b)(c)). This necking is driven by thermally activated, stress-sensitive
dislocation creep. The depth of breakoff is relatively shallow (around 140 km), but
this model feature is sensitive to many model parameters and results may widely
vary, ranging from 50 to 500 km (Gerya et al., 2004a; Faccenda et al., 2008b;
Mishin et al., 2008; Ueda et al., 2008; Andrews and Billen, 2009; Baumann et al.,
2009). Finally, the detached slab rapidly sinks and rotates in a coherent manner (as