1. Talk to your teacher about inviting a life insurance agent to your
classroom. Contact a local life insurance agent and set up a session
at your school. Gather questions about life insurance on index cards
from your classmates. Ask these questions during the session.
2. Talk to your parents about their retirement plans. See if they have
pensions or retirement savings plans. Find out if there are any sav-
ings accounts for your college or post–high school plans. Discuss with
them their plans for fi nancing their retirement years.
3. Too often, it is not practical to compare funeral costs. Usually, the
person planning the funeral is too sad to take time to compare
prices. This is an extremely disadvantageous position for a consumer.
Funerals can be very expensive, so you should become familiar
with funeral costs. Visit a local funeral parlor and discuss the price
of a funeral with a representative. Ask questions about prices and
different options. Prepare a report on your fi ndings.
4. Go to the Social Security website and download a form to request a
copy of your Social Security statement. Have your parent or guardian
fi ll one out and send it in. If you have ever worked, you should fi ll
one out too. When the statement arrives, check to see that it is cor-
rect. Be sure to keep it in a safe place.
5. Find a local law offi ce and contact them. See if they would be willing
to set up an appointment for you to talk to a lawyer about the costs
and other aspects of setting up a will. Do some research online so you
are prepared with some knowledge about a will. Make a list of key
vocabulary words that a consumer needs to know when making out
a will. Defi ne each word. Prepare some questions for your interview.
Summarize your fi ndings in a report.
6. Interview your parent/guardian about the health insurance your
family has. Find out if it is a benefi t from employment or purchased
by your family independently. Find out if there are benefi ts for den-
tistry, orthodontic care, vision care, and prescription drugs. Find out
how much you pay for a visit to the doctor. Do not compile a report
since this is private, personal information. Instead, have your parent/
guardian write a note to the teacher stating that this interview has
taken place.
7. Talk to your teacher about inviting a fi nancial advisor to your class-
room. You can fi nd a local fi nancial advisor through your bank.
Gather questions about retirement savings plans on index cards from
your classmates. Ask these questions during the visit.
8. Log on to the Social Security website. Using what you learned in this
chapter, search for frequently asked questions on different aspects of
Social Security, including credits and benefi ts. Select the frequently
asked questions and answers that you understand. Paste them into a
new document you create for a poster you will present to the class.
Assessment 473
Reality Check
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