perform normal cellular activities, including the degradation of substrate, in the
presence of free molecular oxygen. Strict anaerobes, including methane-forming
bacteria, die in the presence of free molecular oxygen.
+ 2H
O + H
S (2.2)
Numerous acid-forming bacteria are associated with methane-forming bacteria.
These organisms include facultative anaerobes that ferment simple, soluble organic
compounds and strict anaerobes that ferment complex proteins and carbohydrates.
The products of fermentation vary greatly depending on the bacteria involved in
the fermentative process. Therefore, changes in operational conditions that result in
changes in dominant bacteria also result in changes in the concentrations of acids
and alcohols that are produced during fermentation. Changes in the concentrations
of acids and alcohols significantly change the substrates available for methane-
forming bacteria, their activity, and, consequently, digester performance.
Most strict anaerobes are scavengers. These organisms are found where anaero-
bic conditions exist in lakes, river bottoms, human intestinal tracts, and anaerobic
digesters. Anaerobes survive and degrade substrate most efficiently when the
oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) of their environment is between –200 and –400
millivolts (mV).Any amount of dissolved oxygen in an anaerobic digester raises the
ORP of the sludge and discourages anaerobic activity including hydrolysis, aceto-
genesis, and methanogenesis. Therefore, sludges and wastewaters fed to an anaero-
bic digester should have no molecular oxygen. Settled and thickened sludges usually
do not have a residual dissolved oxygen concentration. These sludges typically have
a low ORP (–100 to –300 mV).
The ORP of a wastewater or sludge can be obtained by using an electrometric
pH meter with a millivolt scale and an ORP probe. The ORP of a wastewater or
sludge is measured on the millivolt scale of the pH meter.
The ORP is a measurement of the relative amounts of oxidized materials, such
as nitrate ions (NO
) and sulfate ions (SO
), and reduced materials, such as ammo-
nium ions (NH
) (Table 2.3). At ORP values greater than +50 mV, free molecular
oxygen is available in the wastewater or sludge and may be used by aerobes and
facultative anaerobes for the degradation of organic compounds. This degradation
occurs under an oxic condition.
At ORP values between +50 and –50 mV, free molecular oxygen is not available
but nitrate ions or nitrite ions (NO
) are available for the degradation of organic
compounds. The degradation of organic compounds without free molecular oxygen
is an anaerobic condition. The use of nitrate ions or nitrite ions occurs under an
anoxic condition and is referred to as denitrification, clumping, and rising sludge in
the secondary clarifier of an activated sludge process.
At ORP values less than –50 mV, nitrate ions and nitrite ions are not available
but sulfate ions are available for the degradation of organic compounds. This degra-
dation also occurs without free molecular oxygen. When sulfate is used to degrade
organic compounds, sulfate is reduced and hydrogen sulfide is formed along with a
variety of acids and alcohols.
At ORP values less than –100 mV, the degradation of organic compounds pro-
ceeds as one portion of the compound is reduced while another portion of the com-
pound is oxidized. This form of anaerobic degradation of organic compounds is
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