choice of lattice pattern, though, is also influenced by other
considerations, such as RCS-reduction requirements.
The number of radiators may be reduced still further by
selectively thinning the density of elements near the edges
of the array. In assessing thinning schemes, however, their
effects on sidelobes and their interaction with edge treat-
ment for RCS reduction must be carefully considered.
In short, no matter what the scheme, some price is
always paid for reducing the number of radiators beyond
what is achieved by simply limiting their spacing to d
Design of Passive ESAs
Among basic considerations in the design of passive
ESAs are the selection of phase shifters, the choice of feed
type, and the choice of transmission lines.
Selection of Phase Shifters. In a two-dimensional array
employing 2000 or more radiators, phase shifters (Fig. 4)
typically account for more than half the weight and cost of
the array. Consequently, it is critically important that the
individual devices be light weight and low cost. Also, so as
not to reduce the radiated power and not to increase the
receiver noise figure appreciably, the phase shifters’ inser-
tion loss must be very low. Other critical electrical charac-
teristics of the phase shifters are accuracy of phase control,
switching speed, and voltage standing-wave ratio.
Choice of Feed Type. The feeds used in passive ESAs are
of two basic types: constrained and space. Constrained
feeds may be either traveling-wave or corporate.
In a traveling-wave feed, the individual radiating ele-
ments, or columns of radiating elements, branch off of a
common transmission line (Fig. 5). This type of feed is
comparatively simple. But it has a limited instantaneous
bandwidth. The reason is that the electrical length of the
feed path in wavelengths, hence also the phase shift from
the common source to each radiator is different.
The difference may be compensated by adding a suitable
correction to the setting of the phase shifter for each radia-
tor. But since the required correction is a function of the
wavelength of the signals passing through the feed, any one
phase setting generally provides compensation over only a
narrow band of frequencies.
A corporate feed has a pyramidally shaped branching
structure (Fig. 6). It can readily be designed to make the
physical length, hence also the electrical length, of the feed
paths to all radiating elements the same, thereby eliminat-
ing the need for phase compensation. The instantaneous
bandwidth then is limited only by the bandwidths of the
radiators and of the phase shifters, transmission lines, and
connectors making up the feed system.
4. Ferrite phase shifters of the sort used in passives ESAs: X-band
(left); Ku-band (center); Ka-band, removed from its housing
5. Traveling-wave feed is simple and inexpensive. But, since the
electrical length of the path to each radiator is different, a
phase correction must be made for each element, limiting the
instantaneous bandwidth.
3. Some feeds get around this
limitation but are impractica-
bly bulky.
6. Corporate feed makes the electrical length of paths to all radi-
ators the same, eliminating the need for phase corrections and
widening the instantaneous bandwidth.
Traveling-Wave Feed
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