theoretical estimates mentioned above. They don’t usually exceed a few bars at
most for tap water. Thus, for liquids currently used in industry, the existence of
points of weakness in the liquid continuum is to be expected. Those points are
formed by small gas and vapor inclusions and operate as starting points for the
liquid breakdown. They are known as cavitation nuclei. Numerous experiments
show that those nuclei actually exist. Their size is between a few micrometers and
some hundreds of micrometers. They remain spherical at this scale due to surface
tension. They can be referred to as microbubbles.
The assumption of heterogeneities inside a homogeneous medium in order to
explain phase changes is common in thermophysics, for example in boiling,
condensation, and solidification. Nuclei also proved to be the origin of great
differences in cavitation inception found in the past when tests on similar bodies
were made in different facilities.
Various questions arise concerning nuclei: How do they appear? Are they stable?
What is their effect on liquid cohesion and then on conditions of cavitation
inception? How can they be measured? How can the nucleus content of a liquid be
Nuclei are present either on walls or in the liquid bulk. Surface nuclei consist of gas
trapped in small wall crevices that are not filled with the liquid (see § 2.3.2). The
wetting capacity of the liquid is therefore of great importance. It is possible that
bulk nuclei are produced by cosmic rays, i.e., by a mechanism of energy deposition
similar to the one used in bubble chambers for the experimental study of atomic
particles. Another example of micronic bubble production by energy deposition is
found in the breakdown of insulating liquids subjected to high voltage [A
ITKEN et al.
1996, J
OMNI et al. 1999]. However, the most efficient way to produce nuclei is the
reduction in pressure of a saturated liquid. Regions downstream of developed
cavities may also be an abundant source of nuclei, as it will be seen in chapter 7.
Once present, nuclei evolve under two main influences. First, free nuclei (i.e., not
attached to a wall) rise due to gravity. Second, all nuclei exchange gas via diffusion
with the dissolved gas present in the surrounding liquid. In general, as the mass
diffusion coefficients are very small, the diffusion process is slow and typical
diffusion times are long, of the order of a second (see § 2.3.2). This is a large value
in comparison with the time necessary for bubble collapse, which typically takes
milliseconds (see chap. 3). Thus, in the following section, mechanical equilibrium
of a spherical nucleus is assumed and the mass of enclosed gas is supposed
constant. The problem of gas diffusion will be considered at the end of the chapter
as it concerns the stability of gas nuclei over a long period.
The void fraction resulting from the presence of free nuclei is extremely small. For
example, for a concentration of one hundred nuclei per cubic centimeter (this value
is actually rather high) with a diameter of 0.1 mm, the void fraction is 0.52
¥ 10
Thus, the liquid density remains practically unchanged. The same conclusion holds
for the velocity of sound in the liquid.