Further reading
Evans, H (2000) Essential English for Journalists, Editors and Writers, revised
by Crawford Gillan, Pimlico Random House, London.
Gowers, Sir Ernest (1987) The Complete Plain Words, Penguin, London.
Marsh, David and Marshall, Nikki (2007) The Guardian Style Book,
Guardian Newspapers, London.
Montague-Smith, Patrick (2006) Debrett’s Correct Form, Debrett’s, London.
Olausson, Lena and Sangster, Catherine (2006) Oxford BBC Guide to
Pronunciation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Partridge, Eric (1973) (ed Janet Whitcut 1999) Usage and Abusage, Penguin,
Partridge, Eric (1978) A Dictionary of Clichés, Routledge, London.
Ritter, M (2005) New Hart’s Rules, adapted from the Oxford Guide to Style
by R M Ritter, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Ritter, R M (ed) (2003) Oxford Style Manual, Oxford University Press,
Ritter, R M (ed) (2005) New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors,
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Robertson, Geoffrey (2002) Media Law, Penguin Books, London.
Seely, John (2005) Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking, Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
Smith, Bud E and Bebak, Arthur (2006) Creating Web Pages for Dummies,
Wiley, Sussex.
Society of Authors Quick Guide to Permissions, Society of Authors, London
[online] http://www.societyofauthors.net/publications/ index.html
(accessed 9 November 2004)
Strunk, William and White, E B (1999) The Elements of Style, Allyn and
Bacon, Old Tappan, NJ.
The Times Style and Usage Guide (2003) HarperCollins, London.
Truss, Lynne (2007) Eats, Shoots and Leaves, Profile Books, London.
Waterhouse, Keith (1993) Waterhouse on Newspaper Style, Penguin,
Note: There are very many books and guides available on style, including
several published by newspapers for their own staff, for the reader to
consult. The titles in this bibliography, and others mentioned and
acknowledged, form a selection recommended by the author to be of
special interest and use in day-to-day writing and editing.