Chapter 3
JFACC)-owned theater asset for reconnaissance, surveillance, and TA in support of the JFC. The aircraft is
equipped with a color nose camera (used by the UA operator for flight control), a day variable aperture
television camera, a variable aperture IR camera (for low light/night), and a SAR for penetrating smoke,
clouds, or haze. The cameras produce full motion video and the SAR still-frame radar images.
3-33. It is possible to forward image data (to include annotated freeze frames and voice-overs) to the TS II
for dissemination by the JDISS. EO/IR full motion video is transmittable over analogue LOS and digital
Ku Band links. SAR is transmittable over the Ku Band link only. Full motion video can be directly
disseminated by the omni-directional broad beam LOS link (C-Band), via Ku Band TS II into the TS II net,
or via very small aperture terminal into the Joint Broadcast System (JBS)/Global Broadcast System (GBS).
SAR is a series of still images (no motion). SAR can be disseminated via the TS II Ku Band link to a
theater collection cell, intelligence server (joint intelligence center [JIC]/joint analysis center [JAC]), or to
a suitably equipped customer. Motion video can be disseminated directly by the TS II.
3-34. See table 3-2 for RQ-1L data.
Table 3-2. RQ-1L data specifications
Feature Design Specification
Length 8.13 m (26 ft 8 in)
Wingspan 14.83 m (48 ft 8 in)
Height 2.21 m (7 ft 3 in)
Weight Max: 1,020 kg (2,250 lb)
Empty: 430 kg (950 lb)
Speed Max: 217 km/h (117 kt)
Cruise: 110-130 km/h (60-70 kt)
Ceiling 7,920 m (26,000 ft)
Range 740 km (400 nm)
Endurance > 20 hours
Propulsion Rotax 914 UL piston engine; 78.3 kW (105 hp)
3-35. The Predator B (figure 3-4 and figure 3-5) is a larger and more powerful derivative of the
. The major difference in layout is the upward V-tail. The basic equipment suite of the Predator
B is similar to the RQ/MQ-1 Predator, and the primary mission equipment consists of a Raytheon
AN/AAS-52(V) MTS EO/IR sensor turret/laser designator and a General Atomics AN/APY-8 Lynx SAR.
The Predator B can carry and fire the AGM-114C/K Hellfire
missile. The Predator B is compatible with
the ground-based communications equipment of the MQ-1B Predator system, so it can supplement or
replace the latter relatively seamlessly.
3-8 FMI 3-04.155 4 April 2006